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What a day!

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  • What a day!

    Today, a handyman-type guy was due at our house to do some stuff we want to have finished before we list it in two weeks. Some painting was on our list, but there was some drywall and stuff that he was going to do first, and I didn't think he would get to the painting (in my younger sons' room) until tomorrow at least. So he showed up at 8:30 this morning with a three person CREW (first I had heard about that!) and they were ready to start painting. It is amazing how fast you can empty two little boys' clothes and stuff out of their room when you have to.

    Later in the day, while I was teaching, my oldest son came into my classroom (right next door to his) with an ice pack on his right index finger. It was HUGE! He could wiggle it and stuff and the consensus was that it was jammed. So, although the swelling looked suspicious to me, I went with that diagnosis and went on with my teaching. I got home around 4, and warned the boys before walking in that they could NOT touch any walls because they might have wet paint on them. All went well and they watched a video while waiting for DH to get home.....we had promised to take them to the Japanese Steakhouse tonight.

    DH got home and we went to eat. He looked at Luke's finger at the restaurant and said he was going to have to take him to the Acute Care Clinic on base. (Which left me to put the two little ones to bed and reconstruct their room. ) So I got all that done, and then called my Dad to wish him a Happy Birthday. During that conversation, I heard that his sister, who had a cystoscopy last week, has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. She is my favorite aunt and is almost 87 years old. I am very close to her and am looking forward to living closer to her starting in June. Apparently her prognosis is good, although she will have to have her kidney removed, but it was still sad to hear. I called her and talked to her and she sounded really good.....I think she was relieved to finally know what was going on.

    DH and Luke walked in. Luke's right index finger is broken, near a growth plate, and I have to take him in tomorrow morning to the ortho for a cast and an exam to determine if he will need SURGERY (because of the proximity to the growth plate). Did I mention that Luke is right-handed? And that I just paid a humongous amount of tuition money for his piano and violin lessons? And that he is in the middle of basketball season and has finally started getting the hang of the game? And that it hasn't even been a year since my middle son broke his arm in three places?

    DH has to attend a class about chemical warfare in the morning and won't be able to attend the appt. with us, which is a bummer. So I will take my middle son to school, take my youngest to early care at his preschool, take Luke to his appt. and pray the wait won't be too long, take Luke to school, get home by 11 in time to let the workmen back in, and meet DH at home for a conference call at 12:15 with our financial planner......I'm sure THAT conversation won't be a stressful one at all.

    Thanks for letting me vent.....maybe tomorrow afternoon will be uneventful around here!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2

    I feel for you. and now, I feel for me, since I'm going to be adding one of those creatures in to my life soon enough.



    • #3
      Re: What a day!

      Originally posted by mommax3
      and meet DH at home for a conference call at 12:15 with our financial planner......I'm sure THAT conversation won't be a stressful one at all.
      We had one of these conference calls last week...basically our financial planner advised us to pay off all of our student loans by June...this June!! Ummm, he must be smoking something!

      Sorry you had such a rough day and poor little Luke! Maybe you'll look back on this day 20 years from now and want to laugh instead of want to rip your hair out.


      • #4
        Oh my gosh, and it sounds like tomorrow will be just as hectic as today! I'm sorry to hear about your son's finger--that is a bummer that that happened in the midst of basketball season.
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          Wow, Sally, your post made me tired just reading it!!! You are wonderwoman just for making it through all of that!! I hope you can take a nap this afternoon!!

          Jen B.


          • #6
            Wow, Sally.....that is unbelievable! I think you need a day at a spa to recover! Man!!!! We took Andrew to the dentist yesterday because one of his teeth in the back looked really bad to me and he had been complaining about it being sore. I was sure it was some sort of abscess or something......He has never had a cavity and I was feeling guilty because it's been over a year since he was at the dentist. The good news? He doesn't have a single cavity and the tooth was sore because it is loose and getting ready to come out soon. So before I could celebrate that he was still cavity-free, the dentist asked to speak with me...turns out Andrew has the worst underbite he has ever seen in his professional career. Normal is something like 3mm and Andrew's is over 20mm. We have to go in on Tuesday for molds and then he will have to start wearing a retainer to slow down the growth of his upper jaw and hopefully speed up the growth of his lower jaw....then he will need years of braces...and possibly surgery because it is such a 'bad' case. I wasn't ready for THAT! yipes..

            Sorry...didn't mean to hijack your thread.

            I hope today is a better day for you.

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              Sally, all I can say is

              Poor Luke, it was just last summer that he broke his arm, wasn't it? Hope your day goes MUCH better today! Let us know.


              • #8
                Yikes! Let us know how the finger appt goes.
                I think that somewhere there is an umbrella drink with your name on it. Or there should be.


                • #9
                  Wow! Kids come with a manual that explains how to coordinate and take care of all of that.......right??
                  Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


                  • #10
                    Thanks you guys. Luke has to wear a metal splint for the next two weeks and then his finger will be taped to the finger next to it for two or three weeks more. Not too bad. Two of the prettiest girls in his class are writing his assignments for him and I think he is enjoying the attention! He is pretty bummed about basketball, excited that he won't be able to practice piano (at least the right hand!) and is able to play violin as long as he plucks, instead of using the bow. So he is surviving.

                    Cute story......every child at my boys' school gets a chance to do some of the all-school announcements in the mornings and say a prayer. Today was Joel's turn (my middle son). When it was time to pray, he prayed (apparently very eloquently) for his brother's finger. I thought that was so sweet of him.

                    The conference call with the financial planner wasn't as bad as I had anticipated, so that was nice.

                    However, the sitter who regularly picks up my three year old from his preschool on Wednesdays at 2:00 and takes him over to After-School Care where I teach FORGOT to pick him up today. My phone rang while I was teaching and it was the preschool director, saying that Nathan hadn't been picked up, and that he was in the office with her and she could wait awhile. I hung up and called my sitters apartment and heard her gasp as soon as she saw the caller id.....she freaked out and said she was leaving right then. I called the preschool back and said the sitter was on her way. Nathan was fine with the whole thing though, because he got to eat candy while he waited with the preschool director. Days like the past two make me think I NEVER want to work full-time as long as my kids are at home.....if I were working full-time right now, I can't even imagine the stress that the past two days would have caused.

                    LUCKILY, I had a sitter scheduled for tonight, so in a few minutes, I will be heading out with DH to find that drink with the umbrella in it!

                    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                    • #11
                      Sally- Whew! What a day. I hope you enjoyed your umbrella drink. Sorry for Luke's finger. Looking forward to your move to the Hoosier State!



                      • #12
                        I'm glad everything seems to be working itself out Sally! I hope you and dh had a nice time--you guys definitely needed some downtime it sounds like.
                        Awake is the new sleep!


                        • #13
                          Oh, dear lord Sally! You certainly must have to have some sort of good breaks coming? The universe has an ebb and a flow. Looks like you have been catching a whole lot of "ebb".


                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            Sally--I'm glad to hear things are improving a little! I was about to start a new post about my awful couple days with a sick child (fever for about 5 days....bilateral ear infection), sick mommy (I haven't felt this awful for a while) and a flat tire on the way to work yesterday But now I don't have to! I REALLY hope things continue to improve for you!!!


                            • #15
                              Sally, what an exhausting couple of days! I hope life settles down soon for all of you.

                              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                              With fingernails that shine like justice
                              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

