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Poor Fluffy

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  • Poor Fluffy

    We had a ball of twine that she was playing with and she ingested some.....We had no idea! It has been trapped behind her tongue and has gone down through her stomach and into her small intestine....her intestines were all bunched up. She has been gagging and vomiting bile and has lost a significant amount of weight. We took her in today and they had to do emergency surgery to the tune of over $500 (which we gladly paid btw because the alternative was....that she would die or be put to sleep).

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Yikes, that's scary. I'm glad you guys took her to the vet when you did. Is Fluffy the most recent aquisition? I can't keep guys have your own personal humane society.

    Poor kitty.


    • #3
      Fluffy is....a cat? Poor fluffy. Ned, our lab, ate a leg of jeans and had to have a denim-ectomy. Not cheap. Good thing he is so cute!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by nmh
        Nellie, have you noticed that labs are not particularly bright? Ours seriously has a rock where her brain should be.


        • #5
          Ah yes, he is blond and beautiful and blissfully ignorant. Actually, given his zeal for eating, I'm glad he is not any smarter or he would find ways to get more food and probably kill himself.

          He once ate 5 lbs of dog food (friend staying over left it out). He was so miserable he couldn't even walk down the stairs to go out. But he was begging to be fed the next morning.

          And then there is the black lab, Lulu, who now lives with my brother and was totally OCD about eating Bryn's socks . She preferred them dirty and would hunt through the laundry for them. She also managed to lift 2 wine glasses out of the kitchen sink and drop them back in (message received), ate magnets off of the freezer.......She ended up back in the crate after that day and seemed pretty happy there. No amount of exercise, toys, attention that we could give seemed to be enough. Anyway, she needed a lot more attention that we can give and is happy living with my brother. She gets to sleep with him every night and gets lots of love from his friends. Especially since she has a dog collar that doubles as a bottle opener.


          • #6
            I'm threadjacking, sorry!

            Our dalmation does that too - eats until he is sick. Or dead, but we haven't let him get that far yet. He is a very bad dog - he ate my chocolate chip cookies last week, fresh out of the oven; recently ate EIGHT out of 12 chicken breasts that I had baked. And only had 8 because he couldn't reach the other two. FIVE minutes I was outside. Also ate a pizza that was cooling on the counter...I could go on. We actually gave him 5 servings of dinner one night as an experiment. He ate it all, no surprise. Not even close to 5 pounds though.

            I started a sort-of compost pile out back in the summer. It basically consisted of tossing icky veggies and fruit into the woods. Didn't realize the dogs could reach it(they have invisible fence) and let me tell you - they ate it!!! I'm sure I don't need to elaborate on the atmosphere of our house. ::

            Lulu. A dirty sock fetish. Yuck. I'm glad she's happy with your brother. Dogs are a pain in the butt, aren't they?


            • #7
              I took Nicki (basic orange tabby) to the vet for her rabies vaccine right before Christmas and the vat gave me his standard "no string, no ribbons, no tinsel" speech. Not that it was a problem this year, we didn't even bother to decorate!

              The Petster will eat nearly anything as well. But, Kelly sent some donations for the orphanage that included a small white teddy bear that plays music. Well, this is his new baby and he carries it all over the house, licks it and it now sleeps with us, along with the cats and Petey himself.



              • #8
                I knew that cats should be kept away from tinsel, etc. because when I was in high school, one of the cats we had apparently ingested some tinsel, and luckily, it came out the other end.....partially. So he walked around with a piece of tinsel hanging out of his butt for a couple days until we got him to the vet, who had told us over the phone NOT to pull on it under any circumstances.

                He looked very festive!

                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                • #9
                  My two cats try to eat the curling ribbon attached to balloons. I didn't even think about this the first time we had a balloon in the house with the cats. And, then I noticed that the string was completely missing from one of the balloons and the next day my female (who will eat ANYTHING) was gagging. She vomited what appeared to be the entire length of eaten ribbon and seemed perfectly fine after that. Since then I'll see her eyeing any balloons the kids bring home. My children are slowly getting used to my policy of popping any and all balloons and throwing away all of the pieces/ribbon once bedtime hits because I know that Muffin is going to ingest every inch of the ribbon while we're all sleeping soundly (and, I can't bear the thought of what could happen to her!).

                  Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                  With fingernails that shine like justice
                  And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mommax3
                    So he walked around with a piece of tinsel hanging out of his butt for a couple days until we got him to the vet, who had told us over the phone NOT to pull on it under any circumstances.

                    He looked very festive!

                    This visual had me laughing out loud! I think the temptation to pull on the tinsel would have killed me!!

                    Yesterday our dog decided to step in a glue trap I had set out to catch mice, she walked around with it stuck to her foot for a few minutes before I realized what had happened. I managed to pry it off of her foot, but now she has glue trapped in the hair between the pads of her foot and she scratched her head at some point so now she has it on her head too. I've tried everything to get it out but no luck. At least the glue isn't sticky anymore since now whatever she walks in sticks to her foot.

                    Kris, how is poor Fluffy doing now?

                    -Wife of urology attending.
                    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                    • #11
                      delete double post

                      -Wife of urology attending.
                      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

