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Gift for first year med student?

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  • Gift for first year med student?

    Hi everyone!
    I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for a valentines gift for my BF (first year med student). He usually buys whatever he wants for himself before I have a chance to get anything, and this is our fourth V-Day so I'd like to get something good this time. Also, I think this year is the last chance to get him anything Med-School related without him either a) already having everything, or b) being so sick of med school that the present makes him puke!!
    So, can you think of anything your spouses needed that would make a good gift?

  • #2
    Does he already have a stethoscope? Russ got one in his first year as a gift from another class, but if he didn't I was going to get him one.

    You can check out for the best prices on Littman's that I have seen.
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian

