This has been an absolutely ridiculous week and yesterday was just the icing on the cake.....
Saturday, Alex had his 6th bday part at our home (I will NEVER do that again!). Two hours before the party, I was right no target getting ready and was cleaning up the last bits in the playroom. I bent over and felt a terrible pain in my back...I actually ended up falling to the floor and couldn't get up. Thomas was gone and the kids were up in their room and didn't hear me.
I cried for several minutes before they finally came down....I also was beginning to feel a little sick....I started having chills alternating with feeling very hot.....I was still in PJ's about 30 minutes before the party started and so I got on my undies and went down the stairs to see if my clothes were I headed towards the laundry room, I saw a van pulling up. I scooted into the laundry room and put on my shirt...but I couldn't get my pants on. My back was so painful that I couldn't lift my leg into my pants. Thomas started yelling for me and calling me to come to him 'immediately' I yelled "I can't get my pants on!". He came in and helped me.
Then when I walked out of the laundry room I realized that a mom was standing right there in our house with her daughter (25 minutes early).
The party went from bad to worse......I couldn't bend over, couldn't herd the kids...and Thomas kept disappearing to the computer room
To be fair, he did try...he just was overwhelmed.
Two parents stayed and watched me finally give in and put on Monster's Inc to get control of the group. I literally had tears in my eyes limping around because my back hurt so badly. (It is still hurting, btw...I think I did something to a disk. I'm allergic to cleaning, I tell you!)
So....Monday I had to teach and I woke up and threw up twice. :
: . There was no one to take my lab and so I had to go in. I had a headache and sore throat and just wanted to stay luck would have it, the lab went pretty lousy too. By Monday afternoon, my kids were all coming home sick. They stayed home Tuesday and Wednesday, although my Wed. afternoon they seemed to be back to normal.
So....I took Amanda to her dance class because she had already missed two. Before we left, one of Alex's friend's moms called. "Can Alex come over for an hour or so?". I was so excited for Alex about him being asked on a playdate that I said yes even though he hadn't been in school that day.
I drove to the house and it was literally a MANSION....they have a swimming pool in the backyard with a huge waterslide and tennis courts and a huge area to run. Needless to say as I drove up with Amanda, Aidan and Alex in the car I felt very small. I jumped out of the van and left the motor running to keep the other two warm and then ran in to drop him off. The mom was kind of expecting me to chat and so I said "I have children in the van" we were just arranging when she would drop him off and then somehow she got talking about the schools....and asked my opinion...big MISTAKE. I kept looking out the door at the kids and nudging towards the door, but she was as opinionated as I am. It also turns out that she is on the school board here.
So as I had my hand on the doorknob yet again, she mentioned that all elementary school teachers should be forced to teach the kids spanish and that you didn't need to know a language to teach it.
Do you see where this is going? I was staning in her house trying to get back out for 20-25 minutes. To be fair, I could see Amanda and Aidan (who was sleeping most of the time) and I did intend to get out..... (the shame the shame)
Anyway.....if you are still reading this, here's the punchline.....I got out to the van and it had just run out of GAS! YES....I couldn't get it to restart. Fortunately, it was still toasty warm but I couldn't leave. So I rang the doorbell and she didn't come to the door. I waited a couple of minutes and tried again. She ended up getting gas from the garage meant for their lawn mower
and then stood out and looked into my extremely messy van and commented on the fact that I had two children there (duh, I said that several times when I was in her home and had my hand on the doorknob...but...I was chatty too). I left in shame, with my head hanging to the ground....tanked up and went home.
I came in the door and told Thomas hoping to get some sympathy.
"How could you be so stupid" was the basic response from him followed up with "I told you to get gas. Why would you do that?"
I'm afraid to leave my house today....and....I need to move to a new town now.
Saturday, Alex had his 6th bday part at our home (I will NEVER do that again!). Two hours before the party, I was right no target getting ready and was cleaning up the last bits in the playroom. I bent over and felt a terrible pain in my back...I actually ended up falling to the floor and couldn't get up. Thomas was gone and the kids were up in their room and didn't hear me.

The party went from bad to worse......I couldn't bend over, couldn't herd the kids...and Thomas kept disappearing to the computer room

Two parents stayed and watched me finally give in and put on Monster's Inc to get control of the group. I literally had tears in my eyes limping around because my back hurt so badly. (It is still hurting, btw...I think I did something to a disk. I'm allergic to cleaning, I tell you!)
So....Monday I had to teach and I woke up and threw up twice. :

So....I took Amanda to her dance class because she had already missed two. Before we left, one of Alex's friend's moms called. "Can Alex come over for an hour or so?". I was so excited for Alex about him being asked on a playdate that I said yes even though he hadn't been in school that day.
I drove to the house and it was literally a MANSION....they have a swimming pool in the backyard with a huge waterslide and tennis courts and a huge area to run. Needless to say as I drove up with Amanda, Aidan and Alex in the car I felt very small. I jumped out of the van and left the motor running to keep the other two warm and then ran in to drop him off. The mom was kind of expecting me to chat and so I said "I have children in the van" we were just arranging when she would drop him off and then somehow she got talking about the schools....and asked my opinion...big MISTAKE. I kept looking out the door at the kids and nudging towards the door, but she was as opinionated as I am. It also turns out that she is on the school board here.

Anyway.....if you are still reading this, here's the punchline.....I got out to the van and it had just run out of GAS! YES....I couldn't get it to restart. Fortunately, it was still toasty warm but I couldn't leave. So I rang the doorbell and she didn't come to the door. I waited a couple of minutes and tried again. She ended up getting gas from the garage meant for their lawn mower

I came in the door and told Thomas hoping to get some sympathy.
"How could you be so stupid" was the basic response from him followed up with "I told you to get gas. Why would you do that?"
I'm afraid to leave my house today....and....I need to move to a new town now.
