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A great opportunity....

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  • A great opportunity....

    I have a wonderful opportunity to offer up......

    This is an opportunity to improve your home organization and maintenance skills.....You are all invited to come to my house next week to practice using a vacuum cleaner, dust rag, deep carpet shampoo machine and a paint brush. Yes, it's true...this incredible once in a life-time opportunity allows you do do all of those things AND touch up paint. But there's more. You are also eligible to win the chance to re-fold towels and sheets in the linen closet and then put them away neatly. But in case you think that is all, there are also baseboards to clean, floors to mop and windows and all that is associated with them to clean.

    What would this opportunity cost you? On an ordinary day, this incredible package deal would be yours for $99 but just for you I am offering it up for free! That's right.....I will let you come here to my home and do all of those things without charging you a penny! Just think of how happy your spouse's will be that they sent you when they realize all of the skills you have practiced!

    I will have the job of supervising, of course...and like a good manager, I will try and get my butt up off of the sofa from time to time to bring you a drink or a snack!

    So who wants to sign up first! :>

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Hey, if housework brings on labor, I will be first in line!! (Oh... maybe I should try that tactic in my own hurricane-like house ). Heck, I would even come just for the social distraction of it all and the possibility of relating to people over the age of 2!!

    Jen B.


    • #3
      Very convincing pitch, Kris, but I think I'll stay home and watch the dust and dog hair accumulate at my house.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Is there free airfare?
        Or reciprocal airfare? You can come and clean my house and deal with the *$^&#* drywall dust. I think it is easier to clean and organize someone else's things. Do I get to pick the paint colors?


        • #5
          I'll help ya as long as you teach me how to fold my undies into little t-shirt shapes.

          Seriously, you ought to hire someone to come and do a deep cleaning for you right before she comes.


          • #6
            Kris- What happened to that cleaning person you were supposed to hire?



            • #7
              I love it! Amazingly enough I have the same kind of opportunity right here (for those of you not close enough to Princess Fiona's house who do not want to be left out!).

              I can never seem to get motivated to do the little things (i.e. CLEANING) and am blown away by those who always have a clean house. I think they just have a gene I don't have. Any good tips or motivation for someone who just can't get on top of housekeeping??

