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Getting to know you poll

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  • #31
    What's this wool skein paint? It sounds interesting! And I'm looking to paint my bathroom as well.

    DH and I went on an Eastern Mediterranean cruise on our honeymoon. (for 2 weeks ) It was wonderful! Unfortunately, we were only able to visit coastal cities with the exception of Egypt. It really whetted our appetites for more of Turkey and Egypt. We can't wait to go back! I highly recommend it!


    • #32
      Originally posted by Dagny
      What's this wool skein paint? It sounds interesting! And I'm looking to paint my bathroom as well.
      That's what I want to know, too!

      And I'm thinking that with all of the 8 1/2s here, we could have an awesome shoe swap.


      • #33
        Originally posted by nmh
        And I'm thinking that with all of the 8 1/2s here, we could have an awesome shoe swap.
        I was thinking the same thing!


        • #34
          wool skein is a paint color from Sherwin Williams. I have a friend who is an attorney for them, so I can get 30% off (otherwise I could NEVER afford their paint). Its kind of a beige/gray - very muted and neutral. The color comes out differently depending on which base you use, though. I used the Supersomething --- really washable one. My upstairs hallway is about to be wool skein, too b/c I'm getting the house ready assuming we'll have to sell, and I have a lot left. Even funnier is that before we remodeled our bathroom was baby blue, too. I said it looked like a smurf exploded in there.

          love the shoe swap idea - although I have wide, flat feet, so would probably ruin everyone else's shoes.


          • #35
            we got a discount on SW paint too! Ours looks more beige.



            • #36
              I'm a little late, but here goes anyhow....

              1. What time di you get up this morning? 8 am...I have a sick child so she slept in. It was GREAT!

              2. Diamonds or pearls? Really neither, but I think diamond anniversary bands are pretty.

              3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Meet the Fockers

              4. What is you favorite TV show? Lately I get a kick out of "Mythbusters"

              5. What did you have for breakfast? Coffee and a scone

              6. What is your middle name? Nicole

              7. What is your favorite food? Cheese

              8. What foods do you dislike? Not a big fan of foods containing ginger/safron.

              9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Kettle BBQ

              10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? U2 Vertigo

              11. What kind of car do you drive? VW Passat Wagon

              12. Favorite sandwich? Smoked Turkey on sourdough with all the fixins

              13. What characteristic do you despise? Rudeness

              14. Favorite item of clothing? Loose fit Gap jeans (for fat days, which have basically been every day these days! )

              15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? Backpacking somewhere....anywhere!

              16. What color is your bathroom? The blah off-white of most all rental property bathrooms.

              17. Favorite brand of clothing? Gap

              18. Where would you retire to? I dunno

              19. Favorite time of day? Story time at night when my daughter smells so good from her bath and she just "molds" onto me for one big cuddle.

              20. What was your most memorable birthday? I think I was turning 11 or 12...a friend threw a surprise party for me.

              22. Favorite sport to watch? I used to really love KU basketball.

              26. Coke or Pepsi? DC

              27. Are you a morning person or night owl? Generally morning, but that's because I'm forced to be with a toddler or a shift that starts at 7 am.

              28. What is your shoe size? 7-71/2

              29. Do you have any pets? Nope

              30. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family and friends? Not so new anymore, but we're going to Stanford in 2006.

              31. What did you want to be when you were little? President

              32. Your birthday? Ugh... this Friday, March 11. I'll be 33

              33. Nickname? Mudge, Mudgie

              34. Piercings? Ears (one is closed and pretty much closes if there's no earring. I got tired of having to "repierce" so now I just go jewelriless

              35. Book you most recently read? Girlfriend's guide to Toddlers

              36. Place of birth: Wichita, KS (yes, home of BTK )

              37. Favorite actor/actress: Like Robert Deniro at present

              38. Favorite color: Red

              39. Favorite drink: Love trying different microbrews....Black and Tans are a favorite, too.

              40. Last person/place you had dinner with: tonight with my daughter...Domino's pizza

