On a positive note, dh will be interviewing for the holy grail (i.e. REAL JOB) at the 2 afforementioned institutions next week. We were really hoping not to move, but as that looks unlikely, I'm trying to embrace the situation and find out what I can about the surrounding areas.
If anyone is currently at these institutions, attended them previously or just plain knows anything about the areas, I'd love to hear from you. We have 2 kids so are interested in schools, good neighboorhoods w/in a reasonable distance, safety, etc. Post here or email me directly at jennifer.patel@gmail.com
Thanks so much!
If anyone is currently at these institutions, attended them previously or just plain knows anything about the areas, I'd love to hear from you. We have 2 kids so are interested in schools, good neighboorhoods w/in a reasonable distance, safety, etc. Post here or email me directly at jennifer.patel@gmail.com
Thanks so much!
