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diet for allergies

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  • diet for allergies

    Anyone familiar with following a diet for dealing with allergies?
    As I get older I am developing more and more allergies. Aside from being allergic to medical education I seem to be sensitive to many foods including wheat and dairy. I have chronic sinusitis and GI allergy symptoms and am sick of taking medications that are NOT safe if I get pregnant.
    Anyway, I want to go on a diet geared specifically to help with allergies and am curious to hear any advice/similar stories.
    I have read quite a bit on this subject and am looking to possibly cut out all wheat, dairy, refined sugar, processed foods and alcohol.
    I am having a VERY hard time letting go of comfort foods that I know my body is reacting so negatively to.
    Can anyone relate?

  • #2
    A former neighbor cut out all white (not whole wheat) foods, sugar, and alcohol. It was a big adjustment but it was made up for by weight loss.

    I haven't tried it but would suggest looking at Dr. Weil's website if you haven't already. I think it is He seems to have a good balance of traditional and alternative medicine.

    Good luck!


    • #3
      the perfect diet....

      the perfect ulcer!
      Yep, that's right, I have an ulcer! So much for a special diet for allergies because I can hardly eat anything now!
      I can't believe it, I always prided myself for eating relatively healthy and never even get heartburn. I started drinking coffee a few years ago and I think that has something to do with it. Along with stress....
      I don't even know what I can and can't eat!


      • #4
        Oh my! That is NOT a good advertisement for yoga! How did you find out? I had an "ulcerus (sp?) condition" diagnosed in college. It was pre-ulcer, but it sucked royally. EVERYTHING hurt going down. Are you doing ok?
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5
          I am great if I don't eat anything! It hurts tremendously about 1 hr after I eat and I get really nausous. I couldn't even eat plain white rice with plain tofu last night. :: <--which made me miss my yoga class too!
          I started taking Prilosec and PepsidAC for it thanks to DH's recommendations. He had chronic reflux disease and got an ulcer his first year of med school. I don't want to go the doc so I hope it gets better with these OTC meds. If it gets worse I will certainly go but for now I trust my DH's experience with these problems.
          I really think it's stress related and drinking too much coffee/tea over the last year. Even though I only have on average 1 latte/day. I do drink some form of caffeine every day whether it be tea or coffee. So I clearly need to cut back.
          The hard part is NOT having caffeine right now! I miss my latte ritual! :coffee So typical but I am addicted to going to the coffee shop and having a latte and reading. I have come to love good coffee over the last few years.


          • #6
            I feel so sorry for you I know giving up life's little comforts is hard--particularly when you are stressed out and-well-uncomfortable!! I can't tolerate any "real" caffeine. I consider decaf coffee a caffeinated beverage and try to limit that to 1-2 cups a day. Otherwise, my stomach hurts and I 'm a little manic. Real coffee and I'm flying. Useful, but ultimately kills my stomach. Chocolate even sets me off a little, and giving up chocolate is OUT OF THE QUESTION . My experience, though a long time ago, was that the OTC meds helped over time. SO did abstaining from all those acidic/alkaline/stimulant foods. It does take a lot of time for your stomach to "heal" though. Months, I think. I'm so sorry!! I hope you start to feel better. Have you tried drinking a lot of water? Sometimes that is the only thing that doesn't hurt---if white rice is hurting, you must be pretty tender. I'm glad your DH has some experience with this, because at least he can sympathize. No fun
            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


            • #7
              Ugh. I can only imagine. I got ibuprofen induced stomach irritation and I was *miserable* for the few weeks it took to clear up. (Then I did it again... ).
              I hope that taking the meds you mentioned starts helping you feel better soon.
              Does chai bother your stomach? Maybe you can just switch the contents of the cup and keep the ritual.
              Feel better.


              • #8
                It's official! I am a caffeine junkie! After a couple of weeks with this ulcer the hardest thing to give up has been my latte ritual.
                I am definately a pathetic addict! The Prilosec is helping tremendously and I am doing ok with about 1 cup of black tea and 1 cup of green tea/per day. No more coffee for a while whine..whine...whine...
                Thanks for the advice, after you said it could take months to heal this thing I have been more serious about avoiding trigger foods and drinks. Months of this??? No thanks!!
                It's not hard to go without alcohol because I don't drink much anyway.
                It's amazing how emotionally attached we can become to certain foods/ drinks!!!

