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  • Anyone else?

    I am a total freak. We went to the beach for a week. The last day we made those biscuits in a tube. Now, for the life of me, I don't remember turning off the stove. I mean, I vaguely remember doing it, but I don't remember saying, "OK, I've turned off the stove." (which is what I normally need to do to imprint the event into my ADHD brain. Because when I don't, I freak out. I can't even tell you how many times I left owrk to go home and check to make sure that I unplugged my iron or that I turned off the oven.

    I am a huge freak.

    Yes, I stood next to the oven about 20 more times that morning and did not note any heat, my husband says he didn't notice that the oven was on. I do VAGUELY remember turning off the stove. But since I didn't stop to tell my self to remember what I was doing, I have now spent 2 days freaking out. I even emailed the owner of the place to tell her that I was a freak. Plus, this place has security, there are neghbors all over the place...I NEED to chill.

    anyone have any meds? (or live in Bethany Beach Delaware and want to drive over and make sure that I haven't burned these people's house down?)

    Deep, soothing breathes....


  • #2
    I HATE it when I do that because the more I think about it, the more I think about it.
    If this calms your nerves at all, I don't think I have checked the oven, iron, stove, smoke detector, door, window, etc and found that it was in an on/off open/close state that it should not have been in.


    • #3
      Does your housekeeper have keys? Maybe she can go check for you? I'm so envious you're at Bethany!!! Check out the Dogfishhead restaurant in Rehoboth!


      • #4

        Between Dogfish Head in Rehobeth and Red Fin and Five Guys in Bethany-we didn't starve. Day one of the vacation was 1) Outlet shopping and 2) Dogfish head to stock up on beer and other libations.

        I have calmed down slightly....They do have maid service and the owner was going to have someone come in over the weekend to turn down the heat. (that I knew I'd forgotten to do!)

        It sucks, though. I took an Ambien last night so I would actually sleep in stead of wanting to jump in my car at 3am to drive 3 hours to the beach.

        Medications are my friends.



        • #5
          I've done this before too, Jenn...only it involved a shaker machine in the lab with everyone's samples growing in them overnight. I started worrying that I had turned it off accidentally and even went back in to the lab at 1.30 am to check. It was, of course, still on, but as I walked out of the room the thought occurred to me "what if...I just now accidentally turned it off with my elbow...." so I walked back and carefully I put my hand on the doorknob again to leave the same nagging thought gripped my brain. It took me 10 minutes to finally leave and then when I got home I was convinced that I'd come in the morning and be 'fired' for having turned off the shaker.

          Note to Jenn.....


          "Yes, I probably left the stove on. The building will burn to the ground and I'll never be able to go on another vacation"

          :> ocd is your friend.
          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            I do this all of the time.

            Friday nights are our pizza night. I make homemade pizza and we rent a movie.

            The other night I made pizza and the buzzer went off as I was nursing our 7 mo old. The last pizza was in the oven (I have to make 4). I asked DH to get it. So, he turned off the buzzer and grabbed more pizza for everyone. About 20 minutes later, I was upstairs changing Gavin and I smelled something urning. I came downstairs and saw DH standing sheepishly by the oven. He had turned off the buzzer but forgotten to take out the pizza!

            I am sure that if you had forgotten to trun off the oven, you would have heard something by now.

            Enjoy your vacation!


            • #7
              I always doubt myself about stuff like that, unfortunately a lot of the time I really did forget. I used to assess people with brain injury to see if they would be safe to live independently, and at the back of my mind I knew I was also guilty of leaving the gas stove on, leaving the iron on, etc.
              Enjoy your trip!!!
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8
                and of course...I turned it off. The owner of the place just emailed me. (she actually didn't call me a freak. which I really appreciate!)



                • #9
         the last two weeks I have lost my car in a store parking lot twice (remember two small children in Minnesota winter), missed a dentist appointment even though I wrote it down on THREE different calendars, left home when I had just scheduled the furnace guy to come by, and sent a bill off without the check enclosed (not purposely mind you).

                  These little memory lapses are particularly bad because I normally am a list making, scheduling, fairly organized individual. (Read as: anal). I can't stand flakiness when I am the recipient of the person who failed to get their act together. What is wrong with me?

                  I'm losing my mind. Seriously. Alzheimers and dementia run in my family, but I didn't think that it would start at 31.

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    You don't have Alzheimers or dementia. You have two young children and a busy life!

                    Right now I am about to tattoo on my hand a reminder to send a 1 year old bday present to my best friend's baby. I have remembered (and forgotten) more times than I to remember.

