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Hi again

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  • Hi again

    It feels like it's been a very long time since I have read or posted on this website.....maybe a year or so. I hope some of you may remember me. My husband first did a surgical residency in Buffalo and during my 3rd high risk pregnancy, he took a family medical leave to help me manage during my 10 weeks of bedrest. He decided after 3 years of surgery then, that he didn't want to return. That was in May 2001. He decided to look into post match radiology spots back then but couldn't find one. Instead, he found a wonderful opportunity for a fellowship in nuclear medicine at PENN. So, we picked up and moved our growing family to the Philadelphia area. He finished the nuclear medicine fellowship in 2003 and passed his nuclear medicine boards and began looking for an attending job. It was impossible to find one. He went on unemployment for a few months and then his former supervisor at PENN hired him as an "advanced trainee" to help ease the load in the nuclear medicine dept. and allow us to pay the rent. After a few months, he found a part-time job as an attending physician doing nuclear medicine with a large radiology practice at a few different area hospitals. He has been working 3 half days there ever since, all the while searching endlessly for a full-time solely nuclear medicine position. Some of you may remember that he came very close to getting a job in Denver and Ann Arbor and a few other places, after being wined and dined after interviews and hopeful phone and email contacts. Over and over........things just never panned out......and it has been pretty depressing for both of us.

    It was around that time that reading this board became more painful to me because it seemed like everyone was progressing except for us. I received wonderful support and felt very comfortable here........but kept feeling worse reading here as NOTHING was working out professionally for my guy. I needed to take a break from here, I guess. There were times I wanted to come and check in or see how everyone was doing, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Now that I think about it, I remember being concerned most about one of the guys here whose baby was having seizures or something. I hope that baby and family are well now. I feel badly that I never followed up with anyone here and that I just sort of disappeared for a while.

    Well, I guess I am back......and I may be staying for a while. My husband, Alan, decided that the only way to make himself more marketable would be to dive into the radiology match process. He had wanted to do that before...but then didn't for a variety of reasons. He is much older now and it would cost more for a program to pay him as a result of his previous training........his board scores were not amazing...but he passed each step the first time---he knew he had a lot going against him in this EXTREMELY competitive field, but that it would be worth a big last chance effort to just go for it.

    So he.....we.....did. He applied to 45 radiology residency programs this season. He received 0 interviews which was quite depressing after all of the effort he...we....put into this whole process and following up, etc. His letters of rec. are outstanding, as are his many publications and research, etc.,-----we knew it was the old (good but not excellent--each taken during a different family crisis, such as when a child was in the ICU) board scores and his being a more expensive and older candidate that were going against him.

    So, we went ahead and did the rank order thing and new it was hopeless.....but needed in order to be eligible for the scramble. On this past Monday we received the "Sorry, you didn't match anywhere" email.
    On Tuesday, we arranged for the kids to all stay late at school and we had a major game plan to deal with the scramble. At noon, the email arrived, just as promised, with the list of unfilled residency positions across the country. We were shocked to find 39 radiology spots---in 25 programs and across 13 states. They each had different rules about communicating: fax only, email only, ERAS website only, call only, etc. Alan and I systematically went through each and every one of those 25 programs as fast as possible getting the application/CV/etc. to them however they wanted it......praying for a last chance dream to come true. I went to 2 fax places and paid people to stand and feed the machine over and over and over until they went through, as the fax lines were busy for hours as they were being flooded with applications, we assume. We were in a frenzy...getting everything out ASAP during this scramble time......knowing that success was highly unlikely. On Wednesday morning, he called each and every program to make sure they received all of his then, he was informed that most of the scramble spots had already been filled. He went to work that afternoon, feeling that it was all a huge waste of time, energy, and money because there were no indications otherwise.

    Well, at 1:30pm yesterday, the phone rang at home asking for him. It was someone from Wayne State University. I gave her his cell phone number, barely believing that anyone was calling having anything to do with this match.....not wanting to get my hopes up. I then ran to my highlighted, scribbled upon, checkmarked list to find out where the heck Wayne State University was anyway, not able to keep track of all the applications in my head. 10 minutes later, Alan called and asked me what I thought of Detroit. I told him that it didn't thrill me but if he had a chance there we should go for it!!!!! He said, "Good, because I just accepted their offer!!!!"

    So........he now will go from being a part-time attending in nuclear medicine to being a full-time radiology resident. I was surprised that he did not need to have an actual in-person interview for this to be formalized.......but that's just the way it worked out. One other detail to point out-----this residency does not start until July 2006. So that gives us a nice leisurely amount of time to plan and travel there and figure out housing and schooling, etc. Oh, and also, the director did mention to him that it might be possible for him to get credit for his nuclear medicine training and cut out a significant amount of his residency time.

    So------we are in shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we are having a blast learning everything possible about the suburbs of Detroit. It's also been fun calling everyone we know who has supported us through this whole seemingly endless process, to share the news. I still almost can't believe that this is happening!!!!!! We are downright giddy and terrified all at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Welcome back!

    I understand how it would have been frustrating for you to visit here with the job situation. What a rough time you guys have been through. I'm so glad the scramble panned out for you. I had heard there were a bunch of radiology spots open so as I was reading your post I was thinking -- please be a happy ending for them. And it was!

    btw...if I remember correctly you are Jewish? I know of a few people active in the Jewish community in the Detroit area (suburbs, actually) so when the time comes and if you are interested, let me know.

    Again, great to have you back.


    • #3
      Congratulations. If you are living near Penn, then we are approx 45 minutes apart. My DH is an attending and I am an RN. We are in NJ (Pennington/Princeton area). I wish you the best. So glad you are back with us.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4


        Wow!!! It is 2 am here, and I am just loafing around the internet, as I was too angry to sleep. I *WAS* mad about finding out about my husband's residency results earlier today. Reading your post, however, has put things into perspective. Compared to your situation, I really have not much reason to complain. What a journey you two have been through!!! I hope this latest move/opportunity will help your husband find more job security. Congrats! You have this gal's respect!



        • #5
          Laurel, I sent you a private message. Please post if you need help checking your messages.

          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
          With fingernails that shine like justice
          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


          • #6
            Laurel -
            := := := .
            You have to be jumping for joy right now - CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited for you!! We JUST moved from the Detroit area, My hubby graduated from Wayne State Med School last year! We loved it there (despite being scared to death at the prospect of moving there 4 years ago!!).
            I just sent you a private messge with some more info on the area - like jen (rapunzel), let me know if you have trouble accessing your pm's. If you do have problems, give me a call (deleted by editor) I am SO happy!! That is such a great ending to what has to have been a gut wrenching experience for you!!
            Let us know how things progress for you! Again, WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Jen B.


            • #7
              Hey, Jen, you might want to take down your phone number. Just a precaution because the Grand Rounds portion of the site is accessible to ANYONE. And, I know that there have been some rather mischevious people lurking and hacking into the site in the last year or so....

              Just thought I'd warn you!

              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
              With fingernails that shine like justice
              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


              • #8

                Welcome back! I was actually just wondering where you had disappeared to, so that is funny that you reappeared again!

                Anyway, I am so glad for you and your family that things have worked themselves out, I can't imagine the pain and frustration that these past few years has caused for you. I hope that the rest of your training years go as smoothly as possible.

                DH and I live in Ann Arbor, just outside Detroit, and have lived in the area for quite a few years now. If you need any info about the area or anything, feel free to ask.

                Again, congratulations, so glad things worked out!

                -Wife of urology attending.
                -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                • #9
                  Ok- this is going to sound like a joke- Hey Jen, as Jenn said, I deleted your phone number- PM her instead, so that all the world's crazies aren't calling you. Jenn (of course)


                  Congrats. It's a bizarre and frustrating life we medical families live, isn't it? Glad to see you're back!



                  • #10

                    I wondered what had happened. I'm so happy for you and your husband...He is very lucky to have you at his side!!!

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      This is a fun Jen game... Jennifer - thanks for the warning about the phone number, and Jenn, thank you for deleting my number for me. I will keep that type of information in the pm section - Jen.

                      Laurel - once again CONGRATS!!! Good luck on the upcoming move .

                      Jen B.


                      • #12

                        Wow. What a ride you guys have been on! I'm glad the tide seems to be turning. I'll bet Detroit is great. I think the Midwest has been spreading rumors about all these old industrial centers to keep the crowds away . (We are in Cleveland now, and it is a LOT nicer than anyone back east would guess.) Welcome back.
                        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                        • #13
                          I remember being concerned most about one of the guys here whose baby was having seizures or something. I hope that baby and family are well now.
                          First, let me say that I am pleased that you have found your way back! You are always welcome here!
                          I found it truly touching that you had been concerned about our well-being. Thank you so much.
                          Our youngest son, has been seizure free since July 27, 2004. He will turn two next month. Still doesn't sleep worth a flip through the night, but at least we aren't running all over creation trying to get this test done or that test done anymore. We are going to start removing some of the seizure meds next month.

                          What a wild ride you have been on the last year or so. I am happy that it "has all worked out in the end". Good to hear from you again!


                          • #14
                            THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!! Wow, I really feel welcomed back home!!!!!!! You guys are the best!!!!! I don't know where to start with catching up on the reading here.


                            • #15
                              Wow what a crazy scramble story! That's great that it worked out in the end!
                              Detroit has some nice areas, and you can jump across the border if you need cheap medicine! (or canadian beer)
                              Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                              Let's go Mets!

