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SNOW - Winter's Not Over

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  • SNOW - Winter's Not Over

    Miranda mentioned the blizzard in her match post. Here are some examples of the snow in Rochester!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    That is a lot of snow!

    I better check on my MIL!!


    • #3
      Good maude, I can't believe I am willingly moving back to the midwest. :thud:

      At least if memory serves, Rochester NY gets more than St Paul or Madison.


      • #4
        Oh no, no, no, no - this Rochester MINNESOTA! I beleive Madison is getting this same storm I'm not sure its north enough to hit St. Paul!
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Kris and Kelly -- and the rest of the tundra dwellers -- how are you holding up?


          • #6
            I am actually MOVING there??! I better pack extra snow clothes!!

            Jen B.


            • #7
              Jen, we're going to break the all-time record for snow in one day!
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #8

                Please let this be a once-in-a-century occurance and that next year it will be the warmest winter on record!!

                (I can always hope, can't I???????)

                Jen B.


                • #9

                  Anyone rememeber 1977? I think it was 1977. I rememeber pictures on WCCO showing Twin Citians crawling out of their second story windows the snow was drifted up so high.

                  FIL called from 90 minutes east of MSP to say they just got back from cross country skiing , through town. Shoveled twice today, too.

                  Here we get snow and schools close for 2 or 3 days.


                  • #10

                    We are used to more snow - since we are from Northern Minnesota. I would prefer the snow to the cold any day. We are also used to -30 and -40 degree days (plus windchill). I keep telling people we are moving to warmer weather.

                    I guess it is all in your perception



                    • #11
                      My advice for you soon-to-be Minnesotans: You really have to learn to embrace the weather. I haven't done this so it has been much harder for me to adapt. There are always people outside here: sledding, skiing, ice fishing, running, playing, snowmobiling, whatever. Now that ds is old enough, we go sledding and snowboarding and this REALLY helps my winter doldrums. The native Minnesotans are MAD about winter and get p.o. ed when there is not enough snow for their winter sports. Its crazy but true.

                      So, invest in some end-of-year snow pant sales and learn to love it.

                      Welcome to my weird, wild world.

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12
                        Oh my gosh, I wouldn't know what to do with all of that snow! It's gorgeous, though!!

                        Much to my relief, I think spring has finally sprung in the Carolinas! I was starting to think it would never arrive, but the forecast shows that the temps will be in the 60-70's for the next 10 days straight. Hopefully that trend will continue. I feel like a little kid who has caught spring fever and just can't wait to play outside!! Yippeee!!! 8)


                        • #13
                          Oh, I USED to be used to snow.

                          But it is amazing what 15 years on the Eastern seaboard and Central VA will do to your perception I had to make a run home this January----I forgot that there is a cold snap then. -20 actual temperature and having to go warm up the car...totally forgot it.

                          I've tried to explain ice fishing to folks here and they just sort of look at me like I am speaking esperanto. They give me the same look when I describe beer battered cheesecurds and lutefisk too.

                          I've hit Children's Place for the boys already, and got a down parka for myself for !!!$15!!! at Burlington


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Arborea
                            They give me the same look when I describe beer battered cheesecurds and lutefisk too.
                            No amount of explaining can explain lutefisk to the uninitiated. My DH tried to explain to me....but I didn't get it until it was jiggling on my plate. (I didn't get how bad it was. I still don't get why people eat it.)

                            Beer battered cheese curds sound pretty tasty!


                            • #15
                              Well, not to rub it in....Ok, maybe a little, we are having a great Spring thunderstorm right now, and it is about 73 degrees.

