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the price is right!

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  • the price is right!

    My boss offered us some furniture that she has had in storage for FOUR YEARS! At one point she offered the codes to her unit until she wised up and decided to send her husband to meet us. (We would have taken everything, sold what we didn't want, and then had a party in her empty unit. ). Anyway, we got two minivans worth of new furniture!!!!! We spent the entire weekend cleaning our carpets with a steam cleaner and the new furniture. Now the digs ain't so bad!

    If you are humming the Sanford and Son theme song, it is o.k. We were too.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2

    Kelly, that is an awesome windfall! And pretty funny about the storage unit code. Think of all the $$$ you could have made from a cover charge for your rave.

    Last year, I rounded up a new (ok, very used) dresser and armoire for our casa. I noticed it on the neighbor's front porch. She was having some work done in her bedroom so I though she moved it to the porch for temporary storage. A few days later, I saw the Salvation Army truck outside her house and the driver and helper sizing up the furniture and shaking their heads (I figured they must have been there to pick up smaller items but were trying to take the furniture). When I saw her later that day I said, "Amy! Salvation Army tried to take the furniture off your porch!" She said, "I know. I can't believe they wouldn't take it. I don't know how I'll get rid of it."

    It's Ikea maple finish dresser and armoire. I told her we would be happy to help her out. She said it was broken and we probably wouldn't want it. After about $4 at the hardware store and a little less than hour, all the drawers were working and the doors opening.

    One man's junk....


    • #3
      Congrats, free stuff rocks!
      My DH is a "dumpster diver" my family thinks it is weird, but have gotten used to the idea. I love it though....he comes home with stuff that people leave out for the trash guy, he will go up to their door and ask if he can take it. One time he came home with a HUGE NEW TV, with picture-in-picture. Apparently, the lady told him that it doesn't work on channel 3 when they try to watch movies.... so we tried it, I guess she had her VCR set to channel 4 because we have had no problems! Then he went back to see if she had the remote....and she did! Gotta Love free stuff!
      Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
      Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


      • #4
        This is the ultimate:
        Newly-wed friends of ours just bought a house from a lady who was moving to Poland. They made her an offer for the furniture. She turned it down and said she included it in the price of the house. She said there was no way she would store it/bring it along. So our friends ended up with three full bedroom sets, two fully furnished living rooms (up and downstairs), a dining room table, and everything from rugs to dishes. They said it is all really nice stuff, and there was no way they could have purchased that much stuff new. And the moving in was a piece of cake.


        • #5
          very cool!

          We are avid freecyclers and are always giving away and getting free stuff. Love it! There are communities all over.

          Now that we are moving, I am posting free stuff frequently.

          Just a FYI


          • #6
            Awesome finds for all of you! In the meantime, I am planning the world's biggest garage sale on the very first nice weekend we get in Cleveland. After that, someone is going to have a field day on my tree lawn (and / or Salvation Army).

            Is this what we expected when we married doctors??????


            • #7
              Thankfully, my Dad is Mr. Computer Store.

              In the last three weeks, he gave us a zip drive, a new (to us) printer and a desk chair. Maybe he's worried that we won't be able to keep him supplied in Nikolai pictures.

              I'm all for free stuff. and I'm all for getting rid of stuff to anyone who wants it!

              of course, the fact that several pieces of furniture "didn't make it" from the apt. in TX to the house in TX...isn't necessarily my fault. If my beloved had been there and not up at Fort Hood, perhaps he could have prevented the moving guys from 'taking' the smelly stained papason chair, his cd racks and all of his bachelor dishes. It's not MY fault that he decided to let me handle the entire move...



              • #8
                Re: the price is right!

                Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb

                If you are humming the Sanford and Son theme song, it is o.k. We were too.

                Did you get a couch for the porch too? Just kidding!

                WHEW-HEW! Congrats to you! I LOVE it when stuff like this happens!!! I am an avid yard sale shopper and have found some of my most prized posessions sifting through the throw-aways of others!!!!
                A great tv w/remote, original drawings and paintings (one with a list of 5 awards it had won on the back!) lamps, books, knickknacks, kitchen items, furnature etc.
                One of my favorite things to do is take friends around the house and show them what I got at yards sales! DH rolls his eyes here. They are always in awe and then they ask if they can come with me next time! I got my MIL hooked and boy have we had good laughs at some strange yard sales!
                Hit the rich neighborhoods and ya won't believe what people practically give away!
                mmmmm.....I guess I am not really behaving like a typical "dawker's wife" now am I! The thing is, I am a sale shopper and I can't imagine that instinct going away if and when we ever find a pot o' gold!

