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Surgery stinks

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  • Surgery stinks

    I don't know HOW on earth you surgery spouses do it.... My hat goes off to you. DH is doing his 6 wk surgery rotation right now and it is a killer. He went in yesterday a.m. @ 5 and it is now 11:35 am. a day later and no word yet. Of course, that was call but he will get home sometime today and have to go in again tomorrow and Sunday and round. When he gets home I am sure he will fall dead asleep and then wake up in time for dinner and to see the kids for a few hours for the first time since he saw them on WED. night for 2 hours. He even missed my birthday yesterday We just keep saying we can do anything for 6 weeks. He thought that he wouldn't love it but came home after day two saying how he could see what the draw was. I am crossing my fingers that he will choose between his two picks now, EM and anesthesia. Not that I don't respect others for going this route but I know I couldn't do it. It's hardest most on my 7 yr old son. He doesn't understand what happened to his dad! Thanks for letting me vent.....

  • #2
    Jessica -
    I totally understand. I second your kudos to the surgery spouses out there - you are truly amazing!!! We are in the middle of internship year, with similar hours that your dh has right now, and our 2 1/2 year olds now call him "daddyatwork" . When I tell them he is coming HOME, they look at me and then say, "No, mommy, daddyatwork!!"
    You will make it through! Put big X's on the calender for each day that you make it, and then plan a BIG party day for the day after he finishes!!Ahh, the joys of medical training never quit!! .
    Take care and don't hesitate to take a brake when YOU need one!!

    Jen B.


    • #3
      {{{{{{{sigh}}}}}}}}... The first time FH didn't make it home and was like 12 hours late I went at him once he stepped in the door. I didn't care how tired he was or that he'd been in the OR for 16 hrs straight. I was so worried that he'd had an accident or something. I told him all this and now he makes sure he either calls me or text messages me before going into emergency surgery or when he takes a 5 min break. I also have all the numbers of his friends/coworkers so I can ask them to check for me to see if he's in the OR or something.

      It's tough but you have to give them credit... surgeons really love what they do and I know very few people that can say that about their work.


      • #4
        Jessica- oh I remember those days... Surgery was a tough one. DH's school also has a surgical subspeciality requirement too for 6 more weeks.

        Now DH tells me he's decided between surgery and Pediatrics for his residency.... Surgery wins! yikes- I wonder what I'm in for now. So he's planning all of his fourth year electives around surgery too.


        • #5
          wow - surgery or peds - that's a big difference! best of luck in surgery!


          • #6
            It is hard but you're right they love what they do if that is what they choose. I can't imagine my DH picking an "easier" specialty just because its "easier" he'd be miserable and therefore our whole life would be miserable.

            When he was in med school one spouse said to me "How can you let him choose neurosurgery?" My response was how can I not? I'm not lucky enough to have ever found my true calling, my DH has and I'd never take that away from him. Its hard but he's happy.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

