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Night Float

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  • Night Float

    Two second years have to be out the end of June, so DH was 'promoted' to second year status so he can take 3 weeks of night float to cover. The most fortunate thing about this, from a selfish standpoint, is that it is exactly the time when I am going to be out of town. He is getting out of a horrible rotation with a really difficult resident, and gets to do night float with a great resident so he doesnt mind a bit. Seeing as how night float is the bane of most people's existence, I think an additional 3 weeks of it is pretty lame and he deserves some sort of compensation for taking it. Not monetary ( as if we could dream of such a thing) but no call, or the resident that is getting out of night float needs to pay it back to him. Is it just me?
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ladybug
    The first thing that pops into my mind is...

    "Thank you sir may I have another!! Thank you sir may I have another!!"

    I can't even remember how many times I've felt the same way, and I'm fairly certain the word residency must translate as "shafting" in most other languages. You must be extremely frustrated...

    That's funny.

    And it does suck that he is getting the "promotion" of three extra weeks of night float. Uh, hasn't the resident needing to get out of it told him a dozen times "I owe you and please, please give me the chance to return the favor?" And it sucks even more that he is happy about it because that means that the person he is getting a break from must be really awful!


    • #3
      We just finished our last night float (hopefully forever), and I haven't a nice thing to say about it, except that it's not that bad for the resident. So if you're out of town for the duration, and he doesn't mind it, then the only reason I'd see for a payback is if the hours are extensively more than the regular rotation he'd be on. It sure sounds like it will be more pleasant, anyway.
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        The rotation he is getting out of is Gyn-Onc, AKA "who me, 80 hours a week?". He routinely did 110hrs a week the evil six weeks he was on it last time, and went 28 days without a day off. It was probably one of the hardest times in our 6.5 years of marriage, so that is why he is glad to get out of it.
        Mom to three wild women.


        • #5
          The rotation he is getting out of is Gyn-Onc, AKA "who me, 80 hours a week?".

          And this is what my DH chose to devote his life to ....
          (cue the violins )

          I'd pick OB/Gyn night float over that too, home or not.
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            Oooooh, this brings back memories......EVERY year that DH rotated through Gyn-Onc, they were short a resident. This was before the 80 hour "suggestion" and it was a HORRIBLE rotation, even when they weren't short. During DH's chief year, when he rotated in Gyn-Onc for the LAST time, in March, the staff yanked a week of leave away from him (vacation) that he had turned in, per regulations, the September before, because the second year resident scheduled to be on with him was suffering from Post Partum Depression and they didn't think she would be able to handle the rotation if they were short-staffed for a week. I am NOT kidding you. And when they were informing him that he wouldn't be able to take his leave (the day before it was to start, mind you) the words the staff used were these: "You didn't actually think you would get away with this, did you?" DH (who is totally Mr. Nice Guy) asked what he was supposedly getting away with and then informed the staff that he had spent entire rotations (not just a week) on Gyn-Onc when they were short a resident and he had survived. No dice. So he sucked it up, cancelled his leave, and put the second year depressed resident on Prozac as his first official act on the service. The kicker is that at the end of the rotation, all of the staff really encouraged him to apply for a fellowship in Gyn-Onc!!! He couldn't get away from them fast enough. One of our best friends from residency just finished his Gyn-Onc fellowship and we love him to death.....but DH HATED rotating through Gyn-Onc, although he loved the surgical aspect. I think he would have picked night float over gyn-onc, too.

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."

