Surprise! It's the good old dh, the doctor himself! My boys have taken turns this week with a 24-36 hour flu (vomit included), and have really been troopers - just laying low, etc. DH has barely been around over the past month b/c he goes to a coffee place after work each night and studies until midnight. But SOMEHOW he manages to catch what the boys had (according to him, but he doesn't have the same symptoms. I've been sick too, you know - the one who got puked on several times). So what happened? DH came home from work yesterday - cranky as anything - and handed off his bag to me b/c it was too heavy, saying he "really must lie down". He went to sleep at 6PM and slept all night, including taking this morning off to sleep more. Even if I was vomiting, I would NEVER have been able to get that much rest - and he's still acting like a baby.