After the closing from hell, the drive and move have gone v. smoothly. A dear friend from Cleveland took a week of vacation to move with the boys & I as DH was taking the AP/CP boards in FL.
I'm trying to find my way around, meet people, etc. Our neighborhood is filled with little kids, so the boys have had fun. It turns out we selected a house that is "out there" distance-wise, even though it does still fit in the under 30min commute criteria we had.
Our internet isn't set up yet (we're poaching a neighbor's wireless signal right now), but I figured I'd log in and say "hey".
Oh - and on the fireworks question: we watched 5 displays from our own backyard. Here's to "wide open spaces".
I'm trying to find my way around, meet people, etc. Our neighborhood is filled with little kids, so the boys have had fun. It turns out we selected a house that is "out there" distance-wise, even though it does still fit in the under 30min commute criteria we had.
Our internet isn't set up yet (we're poaching a neighbor's wireless signal right now), but I figured I'd log in and say "hey".
Oh - and on the fireworks question: we watched 5 displays from our own backyard. Here's to "wide open spaces".
