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I HATE reasearch!!!!

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  • I HATE reasearch!!!!

    Can I just take a moment to say that as a resident's spouse I truly feel that expecting research/publishings on top of the time already spent being a slave & studying whenever not a slave is truly sadistic! I can honestly say I've seen my husband a few times in the past few weeks but haven't gotten more than a few words from him! He's taken over the computer & the kids are fed up with him ignoring them and are now trying everything they can to get his attention! He has a presentation in Sept at a conference & consequently must finish the paper to go with it. The only consolation is I'm going to L.A. with him for the conference (sans kids!). He's also going on a medical mission to Equador next week so he's on call every day he's home from now until October! Argh!! Time to go take some deep breaths and get back to explaining to the kids why they won't see their dad between now and Halloween! Maybe I'll dress them up as their dad for their costumes so they can remember what he looks like! Thanks for reading my vent...I'll get back to my "this is life" positive attitude now...


  • #2
    Oops!! I meant research!!



    • #3
      I hear you!!!! If it is not one medical thing it is another. Sunday night for me and all alone bc of night float
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        Sara -
        That just sounds obnoxious!!! I am so sorry that things are that crazy for you. How can they give him call EVERY day for a month?? That is absolutely insane! Come and vent often - We're here for you!!

        Jen B.


        • #5
          I hear you. I am fed up with the research, too.


          • #6
            Thanks for the replies. He's only home for 9 days in Sept and it's chief (second) call & there's 2 chief's, so he has to take call during the time he's home. With newbies, second call may as well be first. I'm feeling much better today, though. I find the resentment is usually temporary. Or is it the contentment that's temporary? I get those confused! I'm sure you'll all find I'm here A LOT over the next month!

            Jen B. - Just noticed the kids them! I love the name Sarah (but without an "h") for obvious reasons & my oldest son is Seth while my oldest nephew is Benjamin.



            • #7
              CAVEAT for those who haven't gone there before....Research ROCKS if you can find a program which allows dedicated research (i.e. salary paid without clinical duties). Seriously, those two years were the best years of our marriage.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                Oh, wait. I did like the two research years. Thanks for the reminder, Kelly.
                But I hate research during residency!


                • #9
                  Yes, research sucks now. 80 hours plus interviews plus research...No wonder why I'm unhappy.

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    2 years of research (without clinical?)...that would be great! DH did have 30 days research each of the first 2 years of residency without surgical or clinical duties (he still had to take call and follow up with those patients). That was a godsend during those years!



                    • #11
                      The drawback to dedicate research---you train forever.

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12
                        My DH did a 2 year research fellowship to change residencies. It was sort of backwards in that the fellowship came before a completed residency. It all worked out for the best and it was a great 2 years but it just tacks on 2 years to the whole experience. (And in not so great moments gives me a dangerous "so that's what a non-medical career could have been like?" mentality. :disappointed: ).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nmh
                          And in not so great moments gives me a dangerous "so that's what a non-medical career could have been like?" mentality. :disappointed: .
                          Definitely. We're in DH's dedicated research year now, and I don't know how we're going to go back to clinicals next summer. He spends about 40-45 hours a week at the hospital going to classes, having meetings, working on research/papers ... then he's home for dinner every night by 6pm. And having every single weekend off is such a weird luxury!

                          But I do second the research-on-top-of-residency vent, it's so very painful!

                          -Wife of urology attending.
                          -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

