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  • Headaches

    Does anybody here get really, really awful headaches? I think this could be a migraine, but DH (who has migraines on occasion and has for some years) thinks that what I'm experiencing could be more sinus/allergy related. I have had the same headache (with varying intensity) since yesterday (Fri) am. The pain even woke me up last night,and it's particularly bad if I rise from a lying position (it REALLY starts throbbing then!) Usually with HA's I get relief with Excedrin, but it hasn't worked this time. Just curious if you have suggestions or opinions (even though I know we don't give out medical advice here! :> ) I might try a hot :@

    P.S. And Barney going full blast is NOT helping!!!!!

  • #2
    Oh Marla, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I have been getting migraines for about 8 years and I have learned that they are caused by hormone fluctuations. The first trimester of my pregnancy was awful....a migraine every couple of days on top of morning sickness....yuck! My migraines usually just cause pain on one side of my head and the worst pain is usually around my temple/cheekbone area. My vision also tends to get blurry and I become very sensitive to light (bright lights/sunlight make me nauseous). There is a definite difference between regular headache pain and migraine pain. Does this headache feel different than other headaches you have had other than the intensity? I don't know how to explain it, but regular headaches usually feel like there is a lot of pressure in your head, sort of a dull throbbing pain, and migraines feel more like a sharp pain and sometimes it feels like your teeth are rotting out of your head (I know this sounds weird). I'm sure migraines differ for everybody, but this is just my experience.

    I usually just take Excedrin for my migraines and that takes the edge off. I'm too stubborn to get a prescription even though that would probably help manage the pain better! Sometimes heating pads help or an ice pack on my eye on the side that is affected. Pressure on my temple also helps to dull the pain. If your headache isn't a migraine and is caused by sinuses, then maybe allergy medication would work because it would relieve some of the pressure.

    Try to get lots of rest this weekend and defintiely take a nice, long hot bath! I hope you start to feel better, Marla!


    • #3
      Hope you feel better soon.

      The women I know who get migranes also experience nausea, lightheadedness and muscle and joint aches from their headaches.

      Massage and hot/cold packs help, but mostly taking as much drugs as you can and trying to get some sleep.


      • #4
        Headaches can be tricky, but I have noticed that environmental causes seem to trigger mine, especially when it is about to storm. DH had such bad headaches (migraines) that he had to get on a daily med that is actually used to treat seizures, but for the last year and a half has not had a single migraine.

        If you can't seem to shake it, check into talking with a headache specialist, because I know it made a huge difference in our lives when we got ours under control.

        Good luck!


        • #5
          I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well! You need some rest!

          I get a sinus/tension headaches everyday. I have also had migraines for the past thirteen years. My symptoms are usually the classic ones shown on the commercials and pain on one side feeling like someone stuck a stake through my eye. Pleasant I know. The best treatment I have found is sleep and imitrex. Triggers for me are dehydration, lack of sleep, and stress. In the last couple of years, I have noticed changes in weather have caused headaches and occassionally migraines. For that I normally take a sudafed, drink lots of water or a pop.



          • #6
            Different thigns that have worked for me (sometimes it just depends on the nature of my headache/migraine)...

            Zomig + 600 mg of ibuprofen
            getting my allergies under control
            managing stress/meditating
            warm/cool compresses over my eyes, lights out, sound off for about an hour
            not eating something sweet (sugar) first thing in the morning

            I second going to see a FP gives me sample packs of Zomig...I don't get that many migraines anymore...only about a couple per year the "samples" last long enough.
            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


            • #7
              Thanks, everybody. I'm definitely feeling better...I started a z-pack, some OTC allergy stuff and low dose steroid taper for about a week. I can already tell a remarkable difference! I think this was probably nearly all sinus/allergy related, plus sinus infection compounded by hormones The pain is now down to a dull-I-can-function-roar fact, I feel so relieved to be out of pain, I just want to go to bed!!!!! Thanks again for all the advice. I hope everybody else is keeping headache free.

              I knew somebody here had to have experienced the same type of headache. DUH....look who we are married to!!!!!!! :>

