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What is wrong with people?

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  • What is wrong with people?

    I was at the grocery store today, and as I was checking out, the cashier handed me my sunglasses which I had left in the "kiddo" seat of the basket. She smiled and said, "we have to make sure people remember these." When I asked her about it, she said a lady had left her sunglasses in a basket and when she realized it, she came back to the store and demanded that the store pay for her lost sunglasses. But then, she told me a story I could NOT believe. She said a lady's bag of ice had been mistakenly left out of her car when it was loaded. When she came back for it, she got stopped for speeding and was given a ticket. When she got to the store, she demanded that they pay for her speeding ticket!!!

    So, I want to know what has happened in the last few years that has made everyone completely unresponsible for their own actions?

  • #2
    Wow! I'll have to remember that next time I get pulled over--maybe I can find some other poor schmuck that I can blame!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      I think a major problem with our society today is inability to accept responsibility for our actions. I remember someone posting a while back about getting hit by a car and the woman lied to the police, saying, 'sorry sweetie but you were speeding'. I think it is so easy to hire a lawyer and go to court for anything, and people have these ideas that there are majorly huge payoffs when in reality those are few and far between.

      Look at our spouse's professions- they have to have millions of dollars to cover them in the event of an unfortunate event. Even if it isnt their fault, they still may have to settle and pay big bucks.

      When I worked in the ER, we had some visiting NPs come from Australia. They were amazed at the patient's attitudes and the way that tests were ordered just to avoid liability. They said in Australia if you came in unneccessarily they doctor would 'just chuck you out into the street'.
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        Basically I agree with everything Suwanee said.

        I'll add to it that I think a lot of it comes from the way parents are towards teachers these days. When I was a kid, the teacher's word was gold (not always a good thing). But now, teachers need the parent's permission to hold a kid back, and parents are forever demanding that "their kid didn't do A,B, or C" and getting their kids out of trouble. I'm all for involved parents who work in tandem with the school system, but kids need to learn that there are consequences for their actions -- or one day they'll try to get a grocery store to pay for their speeding ticket.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ladybug
          I'm continually disgusted by peoples lack of ownership/responsibility. Our society is so focused on rights rather than responsibilities.
          A woman at a grocery store backed into my car and despite me, the passenger and 2 other witnesses who saw her do it, she REFUSED to admit that she did anything wrong. The scratch was so minor to my car but she was such a nut that I felt I had to file a police report and call the insurance. I didn't want her coming back saying I did something to her car.
          I said to her: If you had simply admitted that you hit me, I would have let it go because there really is no damage to my car. But because you are obviously lying in front of 3 other witnesses and trying to blame me, I will call the police and inconvenience us all!"
          She called her freakazoid husband to come and take pictures and still refused to admit any wrong doing on her part when the cops came. It was unbelievable.
          All she had to do was say: "I am so sorry, I wasn't looking" and I would have said, "no problem, it's not worth calling the insurance over" and everyone would have gone home happy.
          It baffles me that people simply can't own up to their mistakes and responsibilities and instead blame everyone else for them.


          • #6
            I'll add to it that I think a lot of it comes from the way parents are towards teachers these days.
            I agree! I teach Preschool and it's amazing to me how much blame I see parents put on other children when their child has done something inappropriate. It's always the other persons fault if their child is hitting or talking back to their teachers. Makes me crazy!! One parent I used to work with was the worst. She would make excuses for everything. Once, we told her son he could not bring his large army toys to school (because there is a no toys at school policy and especially no toys with guns!) and she said "but I see the other kids do it" How can we expect children to grow up as responsible adults when they never have to follow the rules. It's no wonder so many people think the world revolves around them.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kozmo
              I said to her: If you had simply admitted that you hit me, I would have let it go because there really is no damage to my car. But because you are obviously lying in front of 3 other witnesses and trying to blame me, I will call the police and inconvenience us all!"
              She called her freakazoid husband to come and take pictures and still refused to admit any wrong doing on her part when the cops came. It was unbelievable.
              All she had to do was say: "I am so sorry, I wasn't looking" and I would have said, "no problem, it's not worth calling the insurance over" and everyone would have gone home happy.
              It baffles me that people simply can't own up to their mistakes and responsibilities and instead blame everyone else for them.
              Good for you--now I'm dieing to know what happened!

              It is terrible that such a big percentage of our population seems to not want to take responsibility for their actions. You hear all the time about somebody breaking and entering and injuring themselves in the process then successfully sueing the property owner. How that stuff ever even makes it into court is beyond me!
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8
                Yeah, I guess that lock on the door wasn't a good enough deterrent, so of course its the homeowners fault because they should have had a moat filled with piranahs. Moats, now that is security.


                • #9
                  Here's your explanation, courtesy of Dr. Cox on Scrubs:
                  "People are bastard-coated bastards, with bastard filling."

                  Well, not everyone. I love you guys.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nmh
                    Here's your explanation, courtesy of Dr. Cox on Scrubs:
                    "People are bastard-coated bastards, with bastard filling."

                    I agree, people are a-holes.

                    -Wife of urology attending.
                    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                    • #11
                      I love Scrubs!

                      People don't take responsibility, and then when something does happen, it is OWED them....yesterday with no questions asked and no explaination.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nmh
                        Here's your explanation, courtesy of Dr. Cox on Scrubs:
                        "People are bastard-coated bastards, with bastard filling."

                        Well, not everyone. I love you guys.
                        There's a similar quote from Seinfeld.

                        Jerry: "People!"
                        Elaine: "Yeah, they suck, don't they?"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SueC
                          Good for you--now I'm dieing to know what happened!

                          It is terrible that such a big percentage of our population seems to not want to take responsibility for their actions. You hear all the time about somebody breaking and entering and injuring themselves in the process then successfully sueing the property owner. How that stuff ever even makes it into court is beyond me!
                          The insurance company told her she was at fault and would have to pay for the damage. I still haven't taken the car in to get evaluated. I thought about doing it just to cause her more trouble but I don't want the bother of it all.
                          I found out she is a lawyer!!! I can only assume she behaved the way she did because she was afraid of being sued!


                          • #14
                            I think people suck in general and expect nothing and feel happy when I am surprised by kindness.



                            • #15
                              I would take the car in and get it repaired and get a rental courtesy of her insurance company.
                              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

