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The answer is blowing in the wind....

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  • #16
    Taking out the kitchen garbage, too??? Don't be *mad* girl! That's just crazy talk!! DH wouldn't do that either. Not his station, apparently.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #17
      My husband takes out the garbage and changes the cat litter - but only if and when I remind him. He can't seem to remember to do either of those things on his own. He doesn't complain - just won't spontaneously do them.

      As for the snow-shoveling: That is, indeed, my department. My husband did get a bit embarrassed when I started shoveling two feet of snow out of our long driveway this last winter only to have our very chivalrous neighbor (man) rush over and insist on doing it himself because I was VERY pregnant and he "didn't want me to miscarry or something". (How's that for a run-on sentence? ). Where was my husband? In the house playing cards with the kids.... I made sure to mention it all to him when I got back inside (and, I also made sure my husband knew I told the neighbor he was sitting on his butt in the house playing cards ). My oh my, did that make him cringe!

      In his defense, though, he was pretty tired that day having gotten off a horrible rotation AND I actually enjoy shoveling snow (burns the calories, you know ).

      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #18
        I am soooo glad we don't get too much snow in our neck of the woods! DH does take out the garbage and even folds most of the laundry (because he is very anal about how his clothes....even his socks....are folded). I do pretty much everything else in the house because I'm anal about how the rest of the house gets cleaned. Every now and again he will vacuum, but I usually have to ask him to do this. DH grew up in a very untidy house so what looks dirty to me looks clean in his eyes (or at least that's his excuse!) We used to split the yardwork 50/50, but we ended up hiring someone when I was around 8 months pregnant...the best money we have ever spent!


        • #19
          Angie, OMG---you just made me pee my pants laughing.

          (Hmmm...note to self: practice Kegels)

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #20
            Dh's main chore is the cat litter.

            Since I have either been pregnant, nursing or trying to get pregnant for 5 of the last 6 years, its fallen to him. I did it almost exclusivly for the previous 6 years.

            He will smell the cat litter, complain about how he just changed it last week, and wait another couple days until our eyes are stinging.

            He says its too hard to change it here because we don't have a hose and brushy area to throw the water into.

            Yea, it is SO difficult to put the emptied box in the tub, fill it with water, swish it around, and then empty it into the toilet.

            Did I mention that I empty the tub out for him beforehand and then spray it with bleach afterward?

