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Holiday Shopping

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  • Holiday Shopping

    So....I was at Target last night and the woman reminded me that starting on Friday the new holiday hours are on....they're open until 11pm. "Holiday hours?" I said....Why so early? She looked a bit dumbfounded and then reminded me that it was thanksgiving next week. "really? I better get that Turkey card filled out....thanks" Tell me the holidays aren't already approaching this quickly!

    How are you guys doing in regards to organizing for thanksgiving and christmas/hannukah etc?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    :disappointed: I'm off to a great start. I forgot to call my best friend on her birthday yesterday.

    I am so not ready. I will start making a list (and checking it twice ) with ideas that I come up with for gifts. We still haven't used DH's Nike company store gift cert, so some family members are sure to get Nike gifts. I think we will send homemade granola, cookies, and peanut brittle for many of the gifts.

    How VERY helpful. My SIL just called to tell DH what she wants for Christmas and her birthday. (Just to be clear, this was all on her own initiative!).


    • #3
      I refuse to do anything holiday-wise until after Thanksgiving. Although I have started trying to get a good picture of the kids for our Christmas card. I think I'm going to have to be super-organized this year, because I have to organize two Christmas parties for Maya's kindergarten class, plus Sydney's preschool party. I'm going to try to not spend much money on the kids, but I always end up spending more than I intended to.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Not even kind of ready. I'm concerned that people will think we need our Christmas gifts when we go to Cleveland for Thanksgiving, and I'm not going to have anything for them.

        The only thing we've started is a gift that DH and I are making for the boys. I found it in Family Fun magazine. It's a floor mat like those rugs with towns on them, but you make it with places that are important to your family. So ours will have India, Cleveland, and Kansas City places.


        • #5
          Everyone is getting med school insigna stuff, peppermint bark, and MIL is handling the meals because we have NO room for celebrations here.


          • #6
            I just found out that my IL's are flying in late Christmas day. The reason for this: They say to see the kids. I say to actually drive me over the Cliffs of Insanity.

            Starting the 26th DH is on call (in house) Q2 for 8 days. I told DH to call his parents and tell them that if they came he wouldn't be here and that it is not a good time. Their response: "We're not coming to see you; we're coming to see the kids." (And torture your wife.)

            I have nothing done for the holidays. Nothing. String me up with the lights.
            Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


            • #7
              I'm ready for Thanksgiving, I better be we're having 15 people but I'm not anywhere close to ready for Christmas. Haven't even started my Christmas shopping, of course I don't have a clue what I'm getting anyone except my little sister and her husband. We're not going anywhere for Christmas and no one is coming here, DH has to work both Christmas Eve and Day from 6a-6p. It will actually be nice to spend the holidays just us, we might go home for New Years.

              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #8
                Thanksgiving will be at my parents as always. We all help out so it becomes quite fun. We have two toddlers this year so that will make life interesting. But, my brilliant mom found a huge playground so I'm sure the daddies and the boys will be sent off to go climb around on things.

                Christmas is going to be very low-key. Pretty much we've (my parents, B&SIL and us) decided to put the amount we would have spent on gifts into a savings account and we're going to add to it throughout the year and then next year, we're going someplace fab for the holidays. Like Paris or London.



                • #9
                  The great thing about being an atheist is that we don't celebrate Christmas or Hannuka, so I do all my shopping at after-Xmas sales for New Year presents.


                  • #10
                    Jenn -
                    How do you make that floor mat with the towns on them? That sounds like such a fun idea!

                    Jen B.
                    Obviously you can tell that I am not even REMOTELY ready for Christmas, so any ideas are great!!


                    • #11
                      Use duck cloth (they suggest a 5' square, we are using the whole 2 yards we bought, which will be 6' s 5'). Draw with pencil or chalk and connect w/roads. Then use acrylic paint to fill in, and black fabric paint to outline. Use bias tape to "hem" the outside so it doesn't fray.

                      I tried to find a link to it online for the detailed instructions - no luck. It's in this month's Family Fun magazine.

