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Here we go again...

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  • Here we go again...

    Yes, its the "get ready to put the house on the market" dance.

    Time to box up the books and toss the clutter and finish painting.

    I just bought two area rugs off ebay for 70 bucks each (they're 7X10, too so given the price I expect that they're fall apart in about 4 months.)

    We have the paint, I've started putting up the infamous blue tape. My parents have agreed to watch Nikolai. I think we're going to do this the second weekend in January. The house will actually go on the market 1/1 or thereabouts but, as we all know, no one buys houses in January.

    We have to rent another storage unit for all of the furniture in the basement. (and my grandmother just fell and broke her ankle so we're moving her to an assisted living facility down here, so I'm expecting a ton more furniture to come my way- like there are 5 marble topped pieces and there are 5 grandchildren, etc.)

    We, of course, don't know where we are going. (although my husband mentioned Ft. Hood in passing. Ft. Hood is not on the list. Ft. Hood was never on the list. But apparently there is a possibility. The only positive thing about being sent to Ft. Hood, is that we could save a ridiculous amount of money and be able to buy a Big Ass Rowhouse in DC when we get back here. That's about the most positive thing I can think of at the moment.) begins again.


  • #2
    My sympathies. It's such a PITA, and even worse with a kid.


    • #3
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        Yes, the Army will pack us, but in the meantime, I have to get rid of all of the sh*t that has appeared in this house.


        and let's not forget the last move, when poor Antonio met his maker- as he, too was packed. (newbies- frightful story of exactly how stupid people can be- they killed my cat.)


        • #5
          They packed your cat? I thought mine were bad for losing the legs to my chair and sending a box to North Dakota.


          • #6
            yup- packed the poor kittie.

            and unfortunately for the 4 other families whose stuff was also on our truck- he and the box he died in were quite fragrent after 7 days at 100+ degrees.

            It was pretty horrific for all involved, except the idiots who packed him, one of whom suggested that everything would be fine, we just needed some Lysol.



            • #7
              Psych yourself up by watching those sell this house shows on HGTV/TLC/BBC America!

              Isn't it nerveracking to have to plan a move with NO clue about where you'll wind up?


              • #8
                Actually, the only nerve-wracking part is if we head south again, obviously a lot of the winter clothes won't need to travel. We took everything last time and by the time we moved back here, styles had changed or we didn't like the winter stuff-

                So, I think we'll have to have a giant purge of winter clothes if that's the case. (although my mink hat from Russia will go with me forever)



                • #9
                  I'm still stuck on how they packed the cat? How did they do that??


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jloreine
                    It was pretty horrific for all involved, except the idiots who packed him, one of whom suggested that everything would be fine, we just needed some Lysol.


                    I am SO packing my own boxes again, I don't care how much crap got broken because of our shoddy job on the last move.

                    I am very, very sorry about Antonio.


                    • #11
                      May he rest in peace.

                      You can do it!!!! I love blue tape, it has been my best buddy for the last five years. BTW Jenn, I bought my second house in January!!!!!
                      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                      • #12
                        I don't envy you, I haven't moved in years and I don't look forward to it (except for possibly buying something with a jacuzzi tub and our very own driveway!).
                        This time, don't let your pets out of your sight!!!
                        Awake is the new sleep!


                        • #13
                          We found our first house in Feb, moved in in April. We found our second house in Decemeber, moved in in March. We are moving into our 3rd on December 30th.

                          Some people like to buy this time of year because there isn't as much competition, and they can take a little more time to get stuff done.


                          • #14
                            Jenn, you need to post your cat-packing story again complete with other glorious details of the military moving experience - or link to it if you can dig it out of the archives. It's a horror story I will never forget.

                            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                            With fingernails that shine like justice
                            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                            • #15
                              I tried to find it in the archives using key words I assumed would be in there, but no luck. If you have the strength, please post Jenn. I have a morbid curiosity - plus want to warn my military friend!

