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Design Flaw

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  • Design Flaw

    Proof that we weren't intelligently designed:

    Knees (my left one is on fire today)

    Lower back: that too.

    Menstrual Cramps: Clearly, an intelligent designer would have eliminated these puppies... as I'm popping 800 mg ibuprofin like they're flippin' tic tacs.

    To to mention, little toes, earlobes and 90% of our joints.

    Of course, aging has nothing to do with it, either...

  • #2
    I'll add to that the re-distribution of weight once you've had a baby. Even if you lose all the baby weight and more, it never goes back where it was before! Never!


    • #3
      I couldn't agree with you more--I feel like a geriatric patient at the ripe old age of 31. I had a very intense session of PT yesterday and walked out feeling wonderful, but I woke up today with worse back pain than ever! I think I'm pretty much screwed, because the bigger I get, the more my poor back is going to hurt. My dh was very alarmed when he found out that my abs have split down the middle (apparently they didn't cover that in medical school).
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Originally posted by SueC
        My dh was very alarmed when he found out that my abs have split down the middle (apparently they didn't cover that in medical school).
        At least not on a day he went (or that's what it would be w/my husband).


        • #5
          Or proof that God isn't a woman?

          just kidding, dave, matt and kevin!

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Design flaw

            On that note,
            Only the women have babies. Everyone should trade off (ie Ursula Le Guin, Left Hand of Darkness) without the going mad part of course. I have to second the menstral cramp thing, why bother with all that pain? And how about adult teeth that rot and then don't replace themselves? How smart was that in a species that lives so long? And SueC, I do sympathise, my ribcage split, yuck. And, the biggie, pain during labor. Is that natural population control or just an oversight when it came to survival of the species?

            I think it was George Burns who said he would ask God about Giraffs, Platypuses and Avocados because the seed was too big.


            • #7
              I knew there was a reason for the patch and not excersizing. My knees and back are still intact and I haven't had a cramp in years (not to mention that my rib cage and abdomen are still together).

              Although I could always do without athritis, migranes and horrible eye sight.

