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New Friend

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  • New Friend

    I just want to say that I am so proud of myself because I finally made a friend after being down here for over four months! (Besides Jloreine of course ) We met on New Years Eve and I got her number and today we went to the movies! It was fantastic to get out of the house with a friend of my own instead of tagging along with DF and the med students!

  • #2
    That's awesome! Esp since you are going to be there a few more years and your DF will be quite busy. How was the movie?

    Ha, I've been here since July '01 and I *still* haven't made any friends. A bundle of aquaintances, but no friends. :|


    • #3
      We saw Walk the Line and it was awesome! I don't know much of Johnny Cash's music but to me Joaquin and Reese sounded just like Johnny and June. It was really good.


      • #4
        Good for you Amy Denise! I know the exact feeling (having moved this summer, too). Keep it up!

        *I loved Walk the Line, too. Ended up buying the soundtrack.


        • #5
          So....can I count my 80+ year old neighbor with the night vision googles, as a friend?!.........maybe THAT issue should be moved to the debate forum!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by gmdcblack
            So....can I count my 80+ year old neighbor with the night vision googles, as a friend?!.........maybe THAT issue should be moved to the debate forum!!!
            Well, I would say that if goes out to look at the bear with you (and with his night vision goggles), definitely friend. If he watches you running around in your towel from his house with the goggles, maybe not.

            Cool about the friend, Amy! I've really want to see that movie.


            • #7
              That's great! I totally know how you's nice to start a connection with someone. I hope DC is treating you well...let me know if you need any tips! Although I'm sure Jenn is more in the loop than I am at this point.


              • #8
                My 80 yo neighbors were my only friends until recently. Every time I took the dogs out Len and Milly were gardening. It has to count!!!

                However, the night vision goggles might be a bit different than trimming a rose bush

                Amy that is awesome! It is so important!
                Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


                • #9
                  Wow, I don't know how you guys do it. Moving acrossing the country every couple of years has to be tough. I've been pretty successful at keeping DH in the same city so far, but he's been pushing pretty hard for a move recently. Your posts scare me a bit.


                  • #10
                    That's great Amy! We've stayed in the same city all along, but those of you that have to keep picking up and moving have my admiration!
                    According to my sister, meeting new girlfriends in a new city is harder than dating.
                    Awake is the new sleep!


                    • #11
                      It IS harder than dating, because there is more to consider, and you can't just do the "meet for a drink" thing to feel it out.


                      • #12
                        Go Amy, Go Amy, Go, Go, Go Amy....

                        May this be the first step to a robust social life for you!


                        P.S. For the record, it took YEARS for me to have a social network here.
                        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                        • #13
                          It is WAY harder! I work with a pretty big group of people and I just hadn't been able to find anyone who I had enough in common with or who wasn't 40+ with a family of their own and totally not looking for new friends. I am very proud of me because I actually called Christie first and asked her to the movies. Like a total dork, I was so nervous but we had fun and she seems really cool. Let's keep our fingers crossed!


                          • #14
                            I can totally relate! I've been here about a year and it's been so hard for me to make friends. I've gained so much weight since I got married - moved away from my family and friends and DH is working so much, I just eat when I'm bored and alone! I need to lose like 20 lbs now!
                            I made a couple of friends so far but one moved away (her hubby was a PhD student that transferred programs) and the other has kids so that keeps her busy. It seems like most of the people I meet have little kids and their own circle of friends who also have little kids so I'm out of the loop. That means I'm usually home alone, on the phone alot and online. Sounds so depressing!

