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Bachelor in Paris

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  • Bachelor in Paris

    Has anyone seen the promos for this? I thought "Oh great another cheesy season." Then I saw the tag 1 American doctor, and 8 American women.

    Here are my thoughts on this-
    1) of course they have to hold the show in Paris, because if any of these 8 women saw what life was really going to be like, they might run away. The guy isn't even done with residency!!! Boy aren't these chickies in for a wake-up call. I'd like to know how the "Bachelor" got enough this much time off from residency to do the show in Paris no less. Sign me up for that residency program. At least if it doesn't work out with one of the women he can use her to find a job... one of the women is a physician recruiter.

    2) my first guess was that he is a surgeon, because when they have shown clips of the guy he is wearing a surgical cap-- no other docs I know wear surgical caps. I pointed this out to Matt, and he said "Well anesthesiologists do, but anesthesia isn't sexy enough for TV." Well after reading the website on the show the guy is an ER doc.

    3) Yet again, the media is portraying medicine as a wonderful lifestyle through the young hunky sexy and single doc.

    Here's the link to the show-

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    I can't BELIEVE that I just went to this website, but apparently he is an ER doc. At least there is a little bump in lifestyle from surgery to ER.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      We watched about 5 minutes of Gross Anatomy last night. They were replaying the first episode -- first day for the new surgery interns. Where to start?

      Crystal -- I think his program gave him 3 months off from residency. I'm sure that is part of the GME leave policies under the "Starring in a Reality Series" unpaid leave section. DH said, those ladies better ask him about his student loans and resident pay!


      • #4
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          So funny! When I saw that commercial last night, DH was sitting on the couch with me. When they said "one american doctor" I yelled out "run away while you can"

          DH looked at me and said "what is that supposed to mean?"

          Like living with a doc is really a bowl of cherries? Sheesh!!!! He must still be in denial!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by mom2three
            My thought is the guy is pretty hot, so WHY does he need to go on this stupid show to find a chick? There has to be some hottie nurses or residents at Vanderbilt!
            The nurses at Vandy all know the "real" him and probably steer clear. I'm not a fan of the show in the first place, but the doctor thing is pushing it too far.


            • #7
              I was debating on whether or not to start a discussion thread on this.

              My husband's in anesthesia, and from what I can see from the promos, actually looks very much like the new Bachelor... Really! Shhh--don't tell my husband this, but I don't think he (nor the bachelor) are hunky doctors, but instead both look like kind, clean-cut people. Not to mention, they both are in dire need for a spray-on tan! I guess the lack of daylight in an OR does this to you!

              I totally agree with you about Anesthesiology not being sexy enough of a specialty! Not exactly glamorous!

              I'm curious how this season will turn out.
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                Hey - the guy was just on "the View" (I don't normally watch ... swear! I just turned on the t.v. and was flipping channels while I was on the computer. I can't stand those ladies!).

                The were all fawning all over the dawkter .... how wonderful! He doesn't seem to have much of a personality.

                And ... what the heck happened to Star Jones? She's almost skinny and looks super-weird!


                • #9
                  Ack! I'm going to watch out of morbid curiousity. The first time one of them swoons, "Oh, can you believe he's a doctor. Oh he must have so much money." OR "I always knew I would grow up to marry a doctor." OR somthing else as vile and repellant. I might wnd up crying from laughing so hard at them.

                  Flash forward to the last week when he flies the finalists to his resident bachelor pad. "You live here?"

                  I'll either vomit or laugh hysterically. Don't know which yet.
                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JenniferB
                    So funny! When I saw that commercial last night, DH was sitting on the couch with me. When they said "one american doctor" I yelled out "run away while you can"

                    DH looked at me and said "what is that supposed to mean?"

                    Like living with a doc is really a bowl of cherries? Sheesh!!!! He must still be in denial!!
                    I said the same thing, but then looked at dh and said "I would still marry you even if I knew what my life would be like." He replied "Oh that's good to know."

                    Gas, and 4 kids


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hlj25950
                      Ack! I'm going to watch out of morbid curiousity. The first time one of them swoons, "Oh, can you believe he's a doctor. Oh he must have so much money." OR "I always knew I would grow up to marry a doctor." OR somthing else as vile and repellant. I might wnd up crying from laughing so hard at them.

                      Flash forward to the last week when he flies the finalists to his resident bachelor pad. "You live here?"

                      I'll either vomit or laugh hysterically. Don't know which yet.
                      I might watch out of sick curiousity as well. I must be hard up for entertainment because I actually skimmed the bios of these women, and thought "who would make the best dawkter's wife?" They have two physicians in the mix, so at least 2 of them aren't completely in the dark.

                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #12
                        but anesthesia isn't sexy enough for TV
                        Crystal, LOL!!! Have to run that by DH. I'm still debating if I should waste my time watching it. May be I'll wait till the end when they actually go deeper into his lifestyle (and student debt, as someone already mentioned).


                        • #13
                          Is it me, or is it a little unfair that these gals are going to get him AFTER all of the crappy school, the match, residency (almost over)....

                          I will probably watch tonight, while I am lounging by the heated pool, eating bon-bons and having my staff care for my son....

                          What I would like to see is these girls deal with him when he is Q3 and post call after about two weeks.


                          • #14
                            I want to watch just to see when they tell the girls that he is a doctor and what their reaction is when they do. Sometimes they hide the career early on. I'm sure the horrible doctor life style won't come up at all.
                            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                            • #15
                              I want to know how he can get three months off of residency for this show, and my DH can't even get off three DAYS for the birth of our child
                              Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.

