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Ticker change

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  • Ticker change

    So, I changed my ticker.

    I asked myself why I was celebrating the end of fellowship when in reality we all know that with any end of anything medical, it really means more work for the spouse. Why should I celebrate 1) not knowing where we're going yet, 2) not knowing if we sell the house or rent it 3) the impending doom of the Boards in October or November 4) not knowing if I should upgrade my resume or continue with my bon-bon eating lifestyle and 5) stressing over how to coordinate all of the above with a toddler.

    So, I'm celebrating MY 40th birthday and dammit, I'm going someplace warm, that requires a passport and at least one plane change.


  • #2
    but darlin' you don't look a day over 24 from where I sit.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      yeah but hopefully I'm a hell of a lot smarter. Actually, I KNOW I'm a hell of a lot smarter.

      Sign me up for "Nope, I'd never go back to my teens OR 20s, even for a gazillion dollars."



      • #4
        I know, I love the comfort of being in my skin that came when I hit the thirties. Of course, this is about the same time that I quit believing in the goodness of humanity too..... I've become a right spunky little tart, goodness knows what the forties holds. Where do you see yourself going in your next decade, aside from crazy?

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          What if I don't remember when I actually believed in the goodness of the humanity and have been a spunky little tart for as along as I can remember? What will I become in my 30s or even 40s? Am I done evolving?

          The reason I dread turning 30 (and the same reason I hated turning 25) is because I always felt that I'll be at some point by that age that I'm somehow not even anywhere near. Or the whole point of being in your 30s is to stop thinking like that? If I the day I turn 30, I'll stop agonizing over stupid stuff that doesn't matter, I'll be a lot happier embrasing the milestone.


          • #6
            You couldn't pay me enough to go back to my 20's, I'll take my 30's, laugh-lines, crows feet, and all!
            I've been thinking of changing my ticker lately, too. Mine is for a goal that is way too freakin' far away and I really don't want to think about it anymore. Once I think of a different target, I'm changing it!
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              my 30s were quite tumultuous, but the 40s are great (not counting DH's hours or the debt!!!).
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8
                30 is the new 20 - don't you know?

                Seriously, I enjoy being "in my 30's" SO MUCH more than the 20's. I feel like I am finally comfortable with my body, with my personality, with what makes me ME. I've mellowed out a great deal and I have enough experience under my belt to start feeling confident with how I handle life.

                If I've gotten that far at 31, personally, I look forward to turning 41!

                And, after all, 40 is the new 30!

                Oh - and another reason for me to look forward to the 40's and beyond? My husband will be finished with his military commitment when I'm 40 years old! We'll finally be "free" at that point! 40 is a magic age in my mind....
                Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                With fingernails that shine like justice
                And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

