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Where is everybody?
I had to upgrade the general software for the main website...and because I'd let it go for soooooo long...and there have been so many upgrades, I finally just had to start over. I reinstalled the new software and have been manually adding/changing things. It's so blasted time-consuming. Someone better keep kicking me in the butt to not get behind again, because I don't ever want to have to do this again.
I've also gotten addicted to spider solitaire
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Yay Annie, get away as much as possible while you can!!!
I've popped as well, I now have people coming up to me saying, "wow, I didn't know you were expecting...". I had to go to a fancy dinner the other night and had a problem finding something decent to wear. I have a ton of maternity clothes, but it's still hard to find something that fits and looks somewhat in style. We think we might be going with the name "Sean Griffin", but it's not set in stone yet. Syd is now fine with this baby being a boy, but she told me the other day she wants the next baby to be a girl. I told her there would most definitely not be another baby after this one.
Other than that, we have nothing else going on. I sometimes try to come up with something to post about here, but seriously nothing noteworthy is happening.
Oh yeah, except that Maya is learning to read, which has me and her both really excited. I've always been such an avid reader so it's really thrilling to see her putting it together. She's learning to read in Spanish, which seams much simpler than reading in English. The vowels sound the same consistently in Spanish, so I think she is grasping it more quickly than she would be otherwise. I'm still banging my head against the table at times when I'm trying to help her, it can be so darn frustrating! This alone tells me I could never be a homeschooler--I think it's wonderful that other parents are doing it and turning out these brilliant kids, but no can do!!!Awake is the new sleep!
Originally posted by PrincessFionaI've also gotten addicted to spider solitaire
krisAwake is the new sleep!
The husband certified his rank order list last week, so we've just been stuck in the holding pattern between ROL and match day. Lots of angst, lots of hoping we've chosen wisely. I have no idea what the next four years are going to look like.
We both had a 3-day weekend this past weekend, so we decided pretty last-minute to go to Philadelphia. It was a fun little mini-trip. Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, cheesesteaks, all that.
So, basically we're trying to continue enjoying life even though the next few months are looming large.Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.
“That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
― Lev Grossman, The Magician King
We have been sick, all of us, with a virus that just keeps going and going and going.....Seriously, it presented itself three different ways in my three boys, but eventually all of the boys had all of the symptoms, as well as DH and I. It has been nasty! The boys just had a four day weekend, so hopefully they got the rest they that they are back at school, maybe I can get the rest I need!
DH has been very busy at work, which is a good thing, I guess, since it means the practice is growing, but we miss him around here! I have some family stuff going on (my stepmother is divorcing my dad and their daughter --my half-sister -- is getting married in June) which has been pretty stressful, and I am still struggling for "me" time......I feel like I am always doing stuff for other people, but I can't find the time to browse at Barnes and Noble for 30 minutes. (probably because I am on the computer so much!)
Really, nothing very interesting is happening around here!
SallyWife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.
"I don't know when Dad will be home."
SO is Q8 the next few weeks. He has sub-Is filling in who hopefully will be competent, won't have a terrible case of senioritis and will show up so he can have a little bit of a break. OK, so WE can have a little bit of a break.
I just finished cleaning up after a contractor repointed a brick wall I exposed in my new house, and now I have the painting bug. SO was a housepainter in high school and I'm loath to ask him to help me in his spare time, but he's really good at it and I hate ladders. Other than that, triathlon training is getting off to a slow start, but my fundraising is going well. Have until June though so I'm not freaking out... yet.
Going to hear Gloria Steinem speak on Thursday.
We got kicked out of the house for three days while the painters were here finishing everything. Sometimes it's just easier to cough up the cash.
While we were at the PX and Commissary at Fort Meade (odd that we decided to go there as Fort Myer and Andrews AFB are closer we just decided that since we had the entire day, we night as well check it out)- some woman ran up to a group of us at the eatery and said that her husband was going into anaphilactic shock from something he ate and was there anyone there who could help. So, Rick went and sure enough- the guy was NOT doing well. Luckily he carried an Epi-pen and had used it. His poor wife kept saying, "it's not working, it's not working" so finally Rick turned to her and said "ma'am, he's still talking to us, so it's working." That calmed her down. But the poor guy had no blood pressure in his extremities. Finally the EMTs showed up and of course weren't interested in anything that Rick had to say. so they started to try to sit him up and he immediately got pale and wierd- Rick was ready for him to start seizing (and if he had he would have totally taken over but...he figured let them have their glory moment)
Other than that, I just got our plane tickets to San Antonio to go house hunting and our house goes 'online' 3/1. Yay!
That's it.
Oh, my brother is doing the St. Patrick's Day marathon in Virginia Beach on 3/19 which is really cool.
My inlaws were just here for the extended weekend, and it was wonderful. No, seriously, it was!It was really great to have a break, and the weather, although cold and wet at first, turned out to be very nice the last couple of days. They just left today....
Other than that, nothing new here....I am REALLY missing DH these days, though.....
I've been home in Ohio with the kids visiting familly this week.Otherwise, I've been struggling this winter and haven't had a lot positive to say. I want to spare you all my special brand of sunshine.
I know that things will get better when interviewing is over (Last interview April 10) and when Spring finally breaks, so I'm just trying to hang tough and get through until then. Nonetheless, I'm happy to hear from you all, so post away.
KellyIn my dreams I run with the Kenyans.
I've been gone the last week since DH had a week off. It's back to the grind today and Anna is wandering around the house asking for Papa and Bryn. Hello? Just call me chopped liver.I'm forcing myself to get our taxes and MILs done before next weekend and that will be my fun task for the week.
I'm really excited to go to San Francisco next weekend with DH. He's presenting at a conference which means that he doesn't have to share a hotel room with other residents and that I can tag along for airfare. My mom is flying out to watch the kids. Woohoo! I'm planning to read uninterrupted and spend a lot of time here:
and here:
Otherwise, I'm doing my usual where will we live, what kind of work do I want to do special brand of obsessing.
We have been all over the place. DH finished interviews, and DD and I were able to go along for all but two since we have extended family everywhere. And because of that, interviews actually ended up being much cheaper than I feared, so we took the extra money we set aside and flew to Brazil for 10 days.We spent the entire time with a friend I haven't seen in eight years, and it was incredible. It was the first vacation DH and I have ever taken together, and we lived it up. Since being back, DD has been potty trained and switched to a 'big-girl bed', two things I really was dreading. Tomorrow is the last day of a particularly horrible rotation, and then DH has off March and April. May is a two week "So You're Going To Be A Resident" class, so really, after tomorrow, he's done. We are both looking forward to the two month break, I'm so glad he planned it this way. It really feels good to be able to slow down a little!