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What did Petey eat?

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  • What did Petey eat?

    Yes, once again kids, it's time to play our favorite weekly gameshow:

    What did Petey eat. (to catch up those of you who are new, the tally so far is: 3 'heavy days' tampons ($1200 endoscopy), a box of enzymatic tablets (one leather interior of a BMW, $500 deductible), a sytofoam garden kneeler ($500 and overnight trip to the emergency vet), a package of flea medicine, ($500 dollars and a trip to the emergency vet), several pillows (replacement value approximately $50) and various other things such as kleenex and dental floss)

    This week the prize winner gets a bottle of OxyClean Carpet, a stack of clean white rags and the smell of dog puke in their nose for going on 4 days now.

    Drum roll.........

    a stick of butter and the cardboard insert for a roll of paper towels. at the same time.

    Nothing like greasy, textured dog vomit before a single sip of coffee had been had.


  • #2
    Yuck! I'd have to think of any of that butter got to his intestines, you might have a round of diarrhea on top of the vomiting to deal with. I hope not for your sake. My dog occasionally eats crazy stuff, but I have nothing to top any of that!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      Oh, yeah, that was the fun on Day Two...



      • #4
        I read the subject line and knew it couldn't be good. :disappointed:

        Oh, Petey, when will you ever learn?

        That tops Ned. He has to his credit: a leg of jeans (can't remember the $$, but 500-1,000 for the denimectomy), enough carpeting on the stairs to require removing the carpet and then putting in wood flooring treads, the hose that connects the water supply to the toilet (only a few dollars and a few hours to repair, but ), a REALLY nice pair of Johnston and Murphy dress shoes, 5 POUNDS of dog food (I had to carry his sorry a** up and down the stairs to go out). I'm sure there is more I have chosen to forget.

        Our other dog, Lulu, who now lives with my brother, once got wine glasses out of the sink and managed to drop them back in the sink to create sink full of broken glass. Message received! She also ate magnets off the freezer and countless books and magazines.

        Good thing they are cute.


        • #5
          Originally posted by nmh
          Our other dog, Lulu, who now lives with my brother, once got wine glasses out of the sink and managed to drop them back in the sink to create sink full of broken glass. Message received!
          Was that an intervention of sorts?

          My daughter confessed to me yesterday that she accidentally ate a polly pocket piece of clothing (for those of you unfamiliar with those, they are quite small and rubbery, apparently she was chewing on it ). I opted not to tell her that she could actually retrieve the item in a few days so I told her it was gone forever.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            Originally posted by SueC
            Was that an intervention of sorts?
            Well, I didn't think about it that way! The message I received was -- how dare you leave me for three weeks, I'll show you. I was gone for a long weekend and then three weeks, leaving her all to her lonesome with DH, and I don't think she liked it.


            • #7
              So, so, so many reasons I will never have a dog. It's bad enough when your kids destroy your things. I don't think I could take it from a dog. I have never understood people (yes, you may now begin to villify my as the dog hater I am) who treat their dogs like children. Honestly, it is a pet peeve of mine.

              The other R2 and his wife have a Weimeraner (sp?) that they take to dog shows and hunting classes (even though they don't hunt) and on outings to Pet Smart. Honestly, I really don't get it. They know I am not fond of dogs, yet, when we talk on the phone, I get an earful about it. I truly am baffled by it all. I was attacked by a dog as a young child, and I have never gotten over it, but that aside, I just can't understand loving a dog enough for endoscopies and BMW's. So, if they had, had the dog when I met them, I really think it would have affected our friendship. It is really hard for me to go over to their house. I am really, really uncomfotable around their dog, and they don't seem to understand that. It failed obedience classes, and it jumps on me and nips at me while I'm there. Yet, this dog is supposed to be the smartest thing since the dawn of time. As it is, they got the dog after I already liked them, and now I am stuck with this dog in our friendship, and I don't want it.

              This couple just had a baby on Thursday. I hope the dog gets seriously demoted. They read all these books on how to prepare the dog for the baby, but I can't help but wonder, who is preparing the baby for the dog? AACK!

              No one will ever be able to explain it to me. So, I will :! now, and hide before I get stoned.
              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


              • #8
                Nellie and Jenn - you two should team up on a compilation of sorts. You could contact my uncle for a contribution, too.

                He had a husky that ate - yes ate - through the wood fence surrounding their yard, and also managed to wear out their garbage disposal. They used to keep him out back if they were gone for a little while, and he would climb up on the picnic table next to the house, and stick his head in the kitchen window to steal things from the counter. On one occasion, he managed to flip the switch to the garbage disposal, and a spoon was in the sink -- and it ran all day.

                When I told them we got a husky / shepard mix (our first dog) he wife said "You must make your home a FORTRESS!" and slammed her fists on the table. After all that, Kenwood still got ice cream every night.

                Heidi -
                On the dog loving front - I can see where it comes from. I was a huge cat nut before I had kids (even wondered what on earth I would do if the baby ended up allergic ). I spent $1000 to repair a broken leg on one of them.

                I'd like to think I'm more "balanced" now - but I know where it comes from, for sure. And I still spoil the heck out of Bruce.

                Either way, if you've explained to these folks that you had a bad experience with a dog as a child, and they still let him jump on you, etc. - that is just rude.


                • #9
                  I saw the subject line and immediately pictured a lushly illustrated children's book. Each incident would have it's own two-page spread. The pages with the tampons and the BMW would be the best. It could be a Caldecott Medal winner.

                  (Okay, maybe kids don't need books about tampons and dog vomit, but I would like it at any rate.)
                  Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                  Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                  “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                  Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                  • #10
                    Thanks girls, I don't think I'll ever be able to have a dog now. In the past five years our cat had only one visit to the ER (when I was told that the string she ate will come out on it's own). Although it's a good thing that our furniture is from IKEA and our rugs are from eBay.


                    • #11
                      Oh I am SO glad Molly doesn't do that. Of course once we have children to feed things to her I'm sure we'll have some of the same issues. But I could never give up my Molly.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #12
                        Well, some neighbors of ours had a golden retriever that had a panache for eating wood. He managed to gnaw through their kitchen cabinets, the wood trim in their beautiful historic home, and their siding!!! They kept dear old Bailey until it was time to put her down. They even tried to spray everything with bitter apple spray and as it turns out, that was more like a flavor enhancing condiment! I'm not sure Simon would still be around if he did that!
                        Awake is the new sleep!


                        • #13
                          I used to think we'd get a dog one day. But these posts are just too frequent and disgusting, I'm not sure I could do it anymore. Friends of ours just got a puppy that is very cute, but is so much more work than a child. I watched her three kids one afternoon, and seriously, the puppy demanded so much more attention than the kids, I don't think I could have a dog and my sanity at the same time. Always chewing on something, getting somewhere he shouldn't be, pooping on the floor... no thank you.

                          I used to work with a girl who would call her dog (from work) and talk to it over the answering machine. She'd be like "Mommy is coming home soon!" or "Mommy has to work late, but you are going to have so much fun playing with Daddy!". I thought the whole 'mommy' thing to a dog was very strange. But, I didn't grow up with dog (or cat) lovers , so it would be strange to me.


                          • #14
                            We have had a dog for two years and I *tolerate* him and treat him kindly, as I have a weakness for anything that is smaller, dumber, and weaker than myself, and he qualifies on all three counts. However, I remain a cat person through and through, and this dog will be the only one we ever have. I actually think we would do better with a larger dog, because our dog (a schnoodle) while very smart, is a little hyper. Still, I am content to live my life without ever knowing for sure......NO MORE DOGS here!

                            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                            • #15
                              Oh guys, I have to put in my two cents on the dog side for this one. Molly is now 20 months old and I'll admit the first year I probably would have given her away at least once a week but now she is the best dog. She minds, she goes in her crate when I leave without me having to chase her around the house, she only chews on her toys, she stays off of the furniture. Sorry I could go on and on, they can get better as they get older.
                              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

