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Celebrity Sightings

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  • #16
    Oh, and I was on a flight from Maui to LA with Jason Alexander aka George Castanza.
    Husband of an amazing female physician!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Momof4
      DH and I saw Paula Abdul and Emilio Estevez at a yogurt shop here in Tucson. This is when yogurt was popular and they were still married. Holy cow! How old are we?


      Were you surprised by how short Emilio Estevez is?! I worked with April Lassiter....Emilio Estevez's girlfriend up until two years ago. April also once dated George Stephanopoulos...even though she is a hard core Republican.


      • #18
        Gosh, I lead such such an exciting life. I guess none of them famous folks come to these here parts. I did, however, see Jim Ryan at a cross country meet when I was in high school (his daughter ran XCountry too). That's it!
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #19
          How could I forget the people I actually know...My high school experience was a little interesting (I went to boarding school).
          Ivanka Trump was a freshman when I was a senior. Both she and Chris Jennings (son of dearly departed Peter Jennings) were in the same class. The best is that I was on the track team with Angela Ruggerio (the olympic ice hockey player) We were both shot put and discus throwers. I also did 2 theater productions with Lauren Ambrose (her name was Lauren D'Ambrosio when she was in HS.) She left after her junior year to pursue her acting career and I guess it went well since she was in the series Six feet under and a few other movies.
          Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


          • #20
            OK seem like a worthy opponent. Let's see if I can top your *stellar* list. (I'm a bit of a stalker myself.)

            Childhood: The guy who played Father Mocahey on MASH worked with my mom on a charity. He spent a few nights at our house and taught me how to play some songs on the piano. (All while drinking heavily....)

            High School: I hooked up with a new friend at a summer camp that turned out to be and *actual* groupie (I just pretend to be one!). She got us backstage with Aerosmith. Totally over my head. Luckily, I just hung out and went back to the Leadership and Service Camp (the irony) dorm in the middle of the night.

            College: Went to college with Kris Kristofferson(sp?)'s daughter. Met him a few times. Also shared a frat house with Dan Futterman of Judging Amy (and screenwriter of Capote. Go Dan!) He actually visited me at my home over summer break too. Great guy.

            I was a total club kid in NYC for a few years. Hung out with Boy George at the downtown clubs and Bruce Willis/Paulina Porkizova/Ric Ocasek at the China Club on many occasions. Even got a limo ride home once or twice. (Not that they would have any idea who I nobody!) Had a drink with Dennis Miller. (A complete jerk...drunk and lecherous)

            Adulthood: Hosted Antonio Bandaras/Melanie Griffith's daughter Stella in my playgroup for a few months when MG was making a movie in Baltimore. Also met Richard Belzer when he was doing Homocide in Baltimore. He lived next door to a friend (and hooked up Melanie with our playgroup). Worked with the father of the bass player for the Psychedelic Furs.....but never met him.

            <sigh> Alas, I have never met Kevin Bacon. But I'll keep my eye out for him....
            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


            • #21
              Wow Angie ... a club kid! Pretty cool!

              I know I've posted this one before, but the woman who used to babysit my kids in Cleveland was formerlly a nanny for Dave Matthews' twins. She was getting a nursing PhD at CWRU.

              And here's one for the '80's crowd ... while getting my hair cut the other day, the stylist (who is around my age punk hanging onto her punk roots) mentioned that she'd spent the morning online trying to get Depeche Mode tickets. We started reminicsing about DM, the shows we'd been to, how we both thought "Somebody" would be the song at our wedding. A girl (and I MEAN that) who works in the salon said "are they and OLD band?? I thought they were new."



              • #22
                Originally posted by jesher
                A girl (and I MEAN that) who works in the salon said "are they and OLD band?? I thought they were new."


                I went to a DM concert my sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL and considered them to have been around for a while.


                • #23
                  Wow...I think I want to be an Angie groupie!

         exactly did you and Melanie hook up so that her daughter could be in your play group???

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #24
                    I think it was Belzer. He was a neighbor of a dad in our playgroup. Melanie actually contacted us! Luckily, despite our groupy gossip, we were all very mature, nice people - and totally sympathetic to someone having a three year old to raise in a highly abnormal environment. We made great efforts to treat her just like all the other kids. (Of course she *was* just like all the kids - except bilingual.) After they had moved on, all the moms let out a deep breath and exchanged any pictures from field trips that might have included Stella and family. So, very normal at the time, but completely cool in retrospect.

                    I went to the Femmes concert last night. Amazing variation in age there. Young, young people and grey haired folks as well. Everybody was bouncing! It was incredible. Sadly, I could not coerce my way backstage. My groupie days are long, long gone.
                    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                    • #25
                      OK seem like a worthy opponent. Let's see if I can top your *stellar* list. (I'm a bit of a stalker myself.)
                      Well, you do have an extraordinary list!! Here's a little addition to the list:
                      Sophomore year in HS, I came down the stairs of my dorm on a Saturday morning to borrow a t-shirt from one of my friends and saw two men in our hallway (a little bizarre but I ignored it because I was too tired to ask questions). As I walk in my friends room to ask for the shirt who is sitting there but Chelsea Clinton (before the makeover). I was a little embarrassed but it was still very cool meeting.

                      My sister dated Wynton Marsalis (Jazz Trumpet player) for a few weeks before she found out that he was a "player" and had some other women on the back burner.

                      My friend and I got Antonio Banderas' autograph when we were in Paris on a HS exchange trip. Melanie Griffith was there too but was a little perturbed that no one wanted her autograph. C'est la vie!

                      I think deep down I want to be a celebrity but would want to turn the fame on and off whenever I wanted.

                      Angie, imagine what a celebrity sighting team we would make if we went out together!
                      Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


                      • #26
                        It's an illness. Still, fun to have. I'd be willing to go in to a treatment center for it ... someplace with celebrities.

                        Honestly, I don't read People or Us anymore. I don't even look at the celebrity blog stuff on the internet. I just get such a thrill from the whole scene. Now, I think it just makes me feel young again. You *are* I'll have to count on you for future celebrity interaction.

                        Isn't it disturbing to find out some celeb you liked is a total jerk? It always makes me re-evaluate their work. I can't get the fantasy back.
                        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                        • #27
                          I went to the Femmes concert last night
                          oh man, when Madison produced cool bands. Sigh.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by goofy
                            Isn't it disturbing to find out some celeb you liked is a total jerk? It always makes me re-evaluate their work. I can't get the fantasy back.
                            I'm always a little reluctant to watch my favorite celebs being interviewed on Letterman, Today show, etc. I find I'm usually disappointed by their real personalities and they're usually a lot less intelligent than I had envisioned them to be.
                            I'm a little bummed to hear that Dennis Miller is a jerk--I used to love him!
                            Awake is the new sleep!


                            • #29
                              I've also heard that Dennis Miller is a wee bit full of himself.

                              Here are the rest of my celebrity sightings, most of which will impress only the diehard policy wonk:

                              Lieberman's driver nearly ran over a group of us Stroller Strides moms.

                              Denis Hastert (Speaker of the House) used to live 5 houses away from me, now his Chief of Staff does.

                              Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) hosted a going away party for my cousin (used to work for her) and when she got paged for a vote, brought me with her and I got to sit in the gallery and watch.

                              Rick and I were at our favorite outdoor restaurant when all of the Big Dems showed up to have an outing on the Sequioa which ties up right there: Hillary (hot- I SWEAR), Rockefeller, Lieberman, Edwards, Mayor Williams, etc. It was really cool.

                              George Stephanopoulous at the Whole Foods in Georgetown.

                              The Chief of Police at the Safeway (he lives in my neighborhood)

                              My former friend's former husband's brother was arrested for bribing public officials and got sent up the river and brought down a whole lot of minor federal players.

                              My friend dated Adam Cadan, who owns Mattress Discounters, whose former business partner, umm, washed up onshore....

                              I went to high school with two of the guys from Hootie and the Blowfish (Dean and Mark)

                              My grandmother double dated with Gene Kelly in Pittsburgh. (yes, they went dancing)

                              I'll remember more later, I'm sure.


                              (the benefit of watching C-span is that you are then able to recongnize the politicians!)

