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The Team has taken enough

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  • The Team has taken enough

    OK, I'm done. I was going topost in my blog but decided I need the warm fuzzies of affirmation from you, my peeps who will totally get my frustration here:

    So, we're 1) about to have an Open House. On Sunday.

    2) Submitted a contract on a house we have yet to see in person. (despite assurances from those who have seen it, it's still nerve wracking. and without a contingency clause to sell this one as we offered WAY below the asking price- we'll see what's accepted)

    3) We have the following activities: My best friend in the whole wide world's 40th birthday brunch, on Sunday. A family dinner to celebrate Nikolai's birthday (which is really next Saturday but my brother is running in the VA Beach marathon and won't be around. We fly to SA on 3/25 and back on 3/29. An Easter Party at the Russian embassy on 4/8.

    Key Point to remember: my husband leaves on 4/1 until 4/8 for a Neurology Conference in California.

    So, guess who decided to do a weeklong 'mini fellowship' in North Carolina, "and by the way it's too late to fly so I'm going to drive. Think you'll need the car?" (umm, I think that perhaps once in the WEEK that you'll be gone, I might need the car. jackass) I am so mad. He leaves SATURDAY. as in the day after tomorrow. ( and doesn't come back until Thursday night) and we have the open house on Sunday, plus the various birthday parties.

    OK, sure, I'll handle everything like I always do- in addition to keeping the house perfect and manage the dog and the cats and the kid. Yay. But what gets me is the fact that I am being accused of "making him feel guilty." I tried to calmly explain that I didn't really care if he felt guilty or not. If he was mad or not. The fact is, he thinks he needs to do this and I have no way to know whether it's a good thing or a total waste of time- but I DO know that it's one more week of me being responsible for literally everything including selling the f-ing house BY MYSELF. While gee, he has 8 hours of lecture. at an antebellum mansion with a spa. and a lovely outdoor running course... (he's been there before) and then two weeks later, he has 8 hours of lecture, at two of the hotels on the Bay in San Diego. With adult conversation, nice meals, good weather, adult conversation, spa services, educational experiences, adult conversation...

    I won tickets to Emeril on 4/11 and for one iota of a second I debated not going. Not now, baby. I'm taking my mom, my SIL and my bestest friend, and Emeril can cook up his magic.

    and thanks for letting me vent. Someone pat me on the head and tell me it'll all be over soon.


  • #2
    Ugh, I got worn out just reading this post. So is he actually taking the car??? I hope all of that goes as smoothly as possible for you--any chance you can use this as a little leverage to book yourself for a solo spa weekend or something equally indulgent when things settle back down?
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      I so feel your pain.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Why isn't he renting a car?


        • #5
          That stinks. To remove insult from injury (though perhaps it's too late) can't he at least rent a car for the week?


          • #6
            I told him he was allowed to rent the cheapest car he could find. and I'm keeping the good car.



            • #7
              Hey, I have an idea (since you take care of everything else). When he comes home tonight, tell him you've taken care of the car situation and hand him the keys aqua Ford Aspire. Then, if he complains tell him that his lucky they were all out of mustard-brown Yugos.


              • #8

                The funny part about that is at one point his parents EACH had a Yugo. at the same time...

                Yeah, I have some ammunition if I ever really wanted to publicly humiliate him! (and he drove a Pinto)



                • #9

                  If you haven't seen it already - you've got to watch Drowning Mona - Danny Devito, Bette Middler, Jamie Lee Curtis, Nev Campbell. Absolutely hilarious quirky dark comedy -- and the best part is most of them are driving Yugos with personalized plates!


                  • #10
                    I agree with renting him a stinky car. Better yet, can you buy him a bus ticket? There's nothing stinkier than a Greyhound.

                    This actually reminded me of the Dr. 90210 episode from last night. Dr. Rey is at work and his wife is trying move from one house to another with 2 small kids and a dog. Once in the new house she calls him to say the movers don't know how to put together his gym equipment and he says "All I wanted was my gym to be set up, how hard can that be?" And then later in the show he talks about how he's such a wonderful father and husband.


                    • #11
                      Oh that just sucks. I like the rent a car idea.

                      I think he needs to swear and sign in blood that he will sit in a curtain-drawn hotel room for any part of the time he is NOT in lectures. No fair if he enjoys himself.


                      • #12
                        WOW. That really blows chunks in my book.

                        Give him the bus ticket price in cash and send him on his way.


                        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                        • #13
                          Give him the bus ticket price in cash and send him on his way.
                          You think the Greyhound will take him to the resort -- or will he also need cab fare to get from the terminal to the hotel?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by uvagradk
                            You think the Greyhound will take him to the resort -- or will he also need cab fare to get from the terminal to the hotel?
                            I think he can hitch.

                            That sucks Jenn, truly sucks. BTDT w/the house-selling-kid-corralling all by myself (well, not the acutal SELLING of the house ... just the showing).

                            He owes you big time.

