I've found a lot of variablility in the practices we've used. Some are fantastic businesses and other are run poorly. All of these have been civilian. Our practice in Boston was huge and had all the great things you can have with a huge practice (24 hour coverage, in house Xray, pharmacy, labs). It had none of the downsides of a large practice. Here, I go to a large group that has ALL the problems of a large practice and none of the benefits. It reeks. I'm fed up, but haven't tried to move yet. In Baltimore, we went to two separate small one-doc practices. One was good, the other bad in terms of customer service. In all our experience, the doctors have been good but the business models differ. I think there is a lot of variability. Even with government sponsered medicine, I would guess you still get that based on who's in charge. Doctors are not usually the best businessmen. (In fact, I once read an interview with a big time con man that said doctors were his favorite target. All that income, no business sense. Beware!
