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Broken Ankle!

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  • Broken Ankle!

    Stupid me, playing basketball with the boys, friday morning before school I jumped up to try and steal the ball, came down and heard the crack... I knew I broke something.

    To the ER, I thought they could cast it up and be on my merry way. I was way wrong! I needed surgery and my fibula had been displced, yikes. I was lucky they had an OR available on friday, my husband was on vacation and have been on ice and elevating my ankle now with a titanium plate ever since. I am on vaction this week wooo hooo!! What a way to spend it. I took a shower yesterday for the first time in 4 days and boy did I stink. Just an update.... I should be able to post a little more often now that I can move, well crutch, around the house and to the computer.

    Hope everyone is doing better than I!
    Wife to PGY5 ortho resident
    SAHM to 3

  • #2
    Wow! Im so sorry! I hope you're feeling better soon....and able to take a shower more often
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      Yikes, get well soon!

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        That blows.

        Ankles are more proof that we weren't intelligently designed. I swear we need a redesign of all of the joints.

        Hope you're feeling better soon!



        • #5
          Ouch!! I hope you're back on your feet (without crutches) soon!


          • #6
            Two words that will save your armpits... crutch cozies. They're fleece and fabulous. It's amazing what an extra layer of cushioning can do.
            Good luck with your recovery and don't forget to let everyone in your house pamper you in the meantime!


            • #7
              Crap Erinna! I hope you have some good support...It sounds like so far so good. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
              Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


              • #8

                That sucks. Has your dh been pouring over your x-ray yet? Mine would. In fact, he sometimes wonders if he can get a hold of the films of my arm that I broke (a doozy) when I was 7. Yes, these are the aspirations of a truly sick man.

                I hope you feel better soon and your ankle heals in no time (or what seems like it). Ouch!
                Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                • #9

                  That sucks. Has your dh been pouring over your x-ray yet? Mine would. In fact, he sometimes wonders if he can get a hold of the films of my arm that I broke (a doozy) when I was 7. Yes, these are the aspirations of a truly sick man.

                  I hope you feel better soon and your ankle heals in no time (or what seems like it). Ouch!
                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                  • #10
                    Thank you for all the support! I feel like a little kid again, being taken care of by everyone else. I need to look into the crutch cozie's!! My armpits are starting to chafe a bit.

                    Thanks again and keep those healing vibes a comin!

                    Wife to PGY5 ortho resident
                    SAHM to 3


                    • #11

                      I found these a few months ago for my aunt who was hit by a car and broke (among other bones) her ankle. She said her armpits weren't sore at all.

                      Happy Healing!


                      • #12
                        So sorry to hear about your ankle! I hope you have a speedy recovery. Enjoy someone taking care of you for a change.


