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What do you get waxed?

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  • #46
    Eyebrows, upper lip, bikini (sometimes brazilian). I did legs once. Never again. That was just prolonged torture.


    • #47
      I'm a bit cheap too, so I wax my own legs and bikini line. I pluck my eyebrows because I don't think I could stand the regrowth. I'd much rather get waxed than visit the dentist...but then you don't generally need fillings every month!

      I've considered a Brazilian (I had a 42 hour posterior labour and a c-section for my 9lb 13 baby, so I'm primed for the pain...) but between DH's work hours and my lack of sleep, the return on investment wouldn't warrant turning it into a hobby!


      • #48
        I waxed the tacks on my sliding glass door tonight! Does that count LOL!

        I bought a wax kit at Walgreens, actually it is more of a gel type product that does NOT require heating...NADS that's the name I think...anyway love love love it...I use it to wax my legs's very easy to clean up after I am finished I just rinse the cloth strip under the hot tap on the tub and it all comes off nice and clean and is ready for a reuse in a couple of months.


        • #49
          Actually, the thing with the Brazilian is that it's really convenient for when you have AF. It's just so much cleaner. I actually get it done more for myself than for DH since he could care less.

          I cannot believe the underam tweezing! Doesn't that hurt like a mother?


          • #50
            Originally posted by mcheuk
            I get my brows threaded once a year and then tweeze to maintain them. The threading is to have them reshaped. I don't wax there b/c I get a terrible allergic reaction.
            Threading is totally underrated! I had it done once in Chicago. It's the best method of hair removal for the face and brows. No pulling of the skin, no hot wax etc...

            Underarms? Ouch! That sounds really painful. Occasionally I wax my arms.
            I don't know anyone in LA who threads so I just had my brows waxed and tinted.
            I also had a brazilian. It's been at least a year since I waxed the bikini area and it HURT!!


            • #51
              There is a salon in Artesia (outside of LA) who threads. It's called Ziba and it's in the "Little India" area. They also do mehndi.


              • #52
                Originally posted by tlew12778
                Actually, the thing with the Brazilian is that it's really convenient for when you have AF. It's just so much cleaner. I actually get it done more for myself than for DH since he could care less.

                I cannot believe the underam tweezing! Doesn't that hurt like a mother?
                totally agree about AF, thats why i get waxed even when months away from SO, i like the clean feel of the brazilian when AF comes to visit!


                • #53
                  You can do it! I'm cheering you on -- from far, far away. Just think, NO razor burn.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ladybug
                    So we leave for our very short and sweet beach vacation next weekend. I still can't bring myself to do the bikini wax. HELP, NELLIE!! Give me courage, or give me vicodin.
                    girlfriend! you've had 2 babies! i don't care if it was a c-section... it's not nearly as bad as incision pain, real labor, or the post baby cramping while nursing. you'll be FINE. it's fast and the pain leaves pretty quickly.


                    • #55
                      i know someone who SWEARS by magic cream. it is formulated for african american men. they use it to remove their facial hair....i guess they are more prone to razor burn due to their hair being more course. i DONT plan on using it on my face ....but my "other" area. i ordered some online the other day....i will let you know how it works.
                      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by ladybug
                        Originally posted by jesher
                        girlfriend! you've had 2 babies! i don't care if it was a c-section... it's not nearly as bad as incision pain, real labor, or the post baby cramping while nursing. you'll be FINE. it's fast and the pain leaves pretty quickly.
                        I didn't do it, but just because I couldn't get away from my kids. It rained though so I guess I saved a few bucks...and nerve endings. Next year...
                        I don't know. Naturally childbirth x 2=fine. The idea of ripping hair= me running out screaming. I think razors work JUST fine. I have thought about electrolisis (sp?) though...anyone gone this route?
                        Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
                        Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


                        • #57
                          My estetist told me that electrolysis is not 100% guaranteed and that more often than not, the hairs grow back. I would rather get it all ripped out in 1 second rather than lay there as they zap one hair at a time.

                          Oh and it's Magic Powder in the green can, not magic cream. I have not tried it but I know ppl that swear by this stuff.


                          • #58
                            tlew...there are two different kinds. thre magic cream is in a tube and the magic powder needs to be mixed with water. i think they are made by the same company. the cream is just a couple dollars more than the powder. i have heard rave reviews for both methods.
                            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                            • #59
                              Oh wow I never heard of the cream. Maybe it's new? BC there is like a whole thread on this Magic Powder stuff on a different board I frequent and no one has ever mentioned the cream.

                              Anyway, I'm not brave enough to try it. I tried a different depilatory cream once and ended up running a fever .


                              • #60
                                Usually just eyebrows and bikini.....have to admit that I had never heard of threading before (yes really, I live in a small town in NS,Canada) did a little research though and found one place that does it here.....

                                Does it hurt more than waxing? How about redness? We are going to Paris for our anniversary in 2 weeks anddon't want to break out like I do when I wax.....

