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Ode to Target

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  • Ode to Target

    We still have very little "real" furniture, although we were able to buy a bunch of used stuff when we bought our last house. Most of our stuff is used, used, and used again......and although I would love some bedroom furniture, I don't really even care about the rest of it while my kids are young. Good thing, because I can't imagine having the money to buy furniture anyway!

    I think Target has cute stuff, too, Annie.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2
    We bought a "real" couch for the living room. It took us 6 mos to pay for it. Other than that, we have mostly v. old hand-me-downs and antique finds. It's a good thing we live in a century home. I do shabby chic well. Mostly, we've bought one big ticket item at a time on zero percent interest store credit cards with a discount. Then we've scheduled automatic payments to pay them off in 6 mos. After one's done, we select our next item. We've bought three big ticket items now this way. A couch, a grill and a plasma TV. After the couch, I think DH started doing all the picking. Must ...regain....control......

    BTW: I think Target is awesome. I can easily spend waaay too much in there. They have Smith and Hawkin now, so even the garden section isn't safe.

    Oh, Target, Oh, Target. Temptation is thy name.
    You beckon me to open my wallet again and again-
    Oh, but I must resist your stylish charms
    Lest the arms of debt crush me for my frivolity.....

    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #3
      My love is pretty much divided between Target & my Dyson. I adore both.

      I agree about the sticky-hands / sharpie phases. We've bought a couple "middle of the road" things ... but that's it. My new duvet cover is Target all the way! My girlfriend in Chicago just had her house "done" by a designer, along w/all custom furniture. She's got a 2.5 year old and is pregnant . I think she's nuts ... and don't think I wasn't shaking when Jacob vomited at her house. I was yelling "Try to get to the bathroom." all the while thinking "Please avoid the couch and rugs!"


      • #4
        I try to stay out of Target because I spend WAY to much money there. We bought our furniture at what I would consider a "discount" furniture store - our living room SET was very reasonable. Most of the rest of our furniture is hand me down. My ILs just had their house furnished, 90% of it is from Ethan Allen, I can't wait until we can do shopping like that. 8)
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          I loved going to Target in VA, what with FIVE in the greater metro area to choose from, the newest not 3 minutes away from my front door. They are remodeling ours right now, so its cramped and confusing. Hopefully it will become my happy place again.

          Our house is pretty much Ikea, Target, and as much modern vintage resale wannabe stuff as I can grub from yard sales and antique stores. Hopefully our monster kid phase won't outlast our "transition" furniture.

          Oh boy, I will be in SO much trouble after we get through training and pay off the loans. I am SO getting a Womb Chair and a REAL ball clock :!


          • #6
            Oh, Target, Oh, Target. Temptation is thy name.
            You beckon me to open my wallet again and again-
            Oh, but I must resist your stylish charms
            Lest the arms of debt crush me for my frivolity.....

            I had to restrict my SuperTarget visits to twice a month. If I went every week we spent $600 a month there! EVIL be thy name!

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

