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Off to see the wizard....

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  • Off to see the wizard....

    Welp it's time for FAMILY FUN DAY! Blah. My father and his wife throw this party every year when the family (i.e. Johnson County Stylee Family Reunion - they are having a circus theme this year complete with stilt walkers and flame eaters sheeesh) gets together regarless of their feelings for one another and makes fools of themselves. I guess we are going to involve ourselves this year as it may be our last time to go up to ole KC before classes and a terrible lack of money kicks in. Do any of your families tourture you with get togethers of this nature? Ah but atleast I get to see some of my high school buddies. I found out one of em is preggers so I have to go give her a hard time Wish me luck and hopefully I won't strangle to many of em

  • #2
    Ok, my ILs live in Johnson County and I can say that they've never thrown a family reunion with a circus! Holy Crap!

    Have a great time in Kansas City - if you need restaurant recommendations or places to get away from your family let me know.

    My dad's family has a big reunion every year, it was this last weekend. DH had to work, I was SO heartbroken! 8) We'll see them all at a wedding in September so I didn't feel so bad. My dad is one of 9, I have 36 first cousins, I think there are 5 great-grandchildren now, and its always a huge drama so I was just fine skipping it.

    Have fun!

    ETA: How do you go to JC? Do you go up I-35? If you go past Fredonia you can wave to my parents as you drive by!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      hahah... yea i guess you would need to know that they did not need to hire ANYONE to still have a circus theme. Blah to get into that is a story consisting of two VERY differant family type and daddy-o's would be the hillbillies. And then the JoCo neighbors come and I hide under the tables in embaressment. All of them are fine in small doses and seperately but stuff em in a yard together and yipe yipe yipe... i wanna run off like a wounded puppy.

      We are traveling up I-35 to get there but coming down 71 to get home as Johnny's fam wants us to stop by Tulsa on the way back. We are doing the whole Fam Damly tour this week I guess


      • #4
        I live in Johnson county, too! I'll keep an eye out for the flame throwers! Have a great trip!


        • #5
          You should totally come crash the party. hehehe


          • #6
            We take 50 redheads to the beach and compare sunburns.

            Seriously, my dad's family gathers about every 5 years at the beach for a week which is just long enough to swear that we'll never do it again.

            It's great fun for my generation because we're not psycho. My dad's cousins though? Whooo weee. One of his cousins married a Russian Mail Order bride who went back to Russia rather than stay married to him.
            Now that's saying something.



            • #7
              hahhahah well atleast I am not the only one that dreads these things... if anyone in the KC area wants free food a good laff and to go swimming let me know. The more the merrier. Besides they will all just assume you are related and start dishing the dirt to ya. Buncha gossips I tell ya!!


              • #8
                And here I was thinking that's the kind of stuf you only see in movies. I suppose I'm lucky in that I like pretty much my entire family. The only exception is my aunt (on my mom's side) but I don't talk to her anymore so I don't have to put up with her craziness.

                My fiance's family is another story, however. I absolutely love his parents but I hear they have their nuts in the family. I haven't met them all yet but I'll be sure to brace myself, especially since we're planning a wedding all the way in Ecuador.
                IM PGY-2


                • #9
                  Well I have returned. We had a clown and a stiltwalking fire eater but we were rained out at about 4pm. NOT that anyone left they just jammed the hundred random relatives into my fathers house and continued to eat and chat. It is amazing how many times I said.... Now whoooooooo are you? I am so sorry I am terrible with names.... 364 days until next years family freak day :P

