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Slightly Annoyed.. and hoping to not be offensive

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  • #16
    My DH and I talk medicine, and there are some days that I tell him NO hospital talk. I am also an RN and in school for my NP so it gets overwhelming at times, I feel like we eat and sleep medicine. I think I want to open a florist and arrange flowers!!!
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #17
      My issue is that everyone assume that because I'm kinda in healthcare that I 'get it'. I don't mind them talking shop for a few minutes but I need to remind them to dumb it down. Of course, I hate made up medicine words more than anything so emergent and conversate and all of the others send me over the edge.

      It's an emergency or it's not. Emergently is a stupid, stupid word. and you converse with people you dolts. Conversate is not a word. And "should have went". You can get all the way through medical school but you can't figure out that you should have GONE to the store?

      Which proves all the more that dawkters really are social misfits that are too smart for their own good and therefore gravitate to the one job in the universe that allows them to be freaks and get paid for it.

      End of soapbox.



      • #18
        Ha, ha. I finally had a bizarre interaction and know what you are talking about. One of dh's coworkers came by while we were having lunch together at the hospital. She basically acted like I wasn't even there. I tried nudging myself into the conversation, but she must be a pro. She easily brushed me off and continued irrelevent shop talk in front of us. Strangly enough this was while rubbing ds's hair affectionately while ds clearly was trying to escape her hands. It was so wierd.


        • #19
          When we're with dh's colleagues, they're pretty good about including me in their talks; it's actually usually dh who brings up work stuff and they have to steer the conversation back to something that I can take part in. Sigh.
          Dh's colleagues are pretty well-rounded people; a few have undergrad degrees in history. One's got an English degree. One studied drama. So there's more than enough to talk about.
          married to an anesthesia attending

