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  • This site is better than...

    Married to pediatric surgery fellow, SAHM to 2 munchkins

  • #2


    • #3
      I agree ... and am glad you found it comforting.

      Although I could still use a valium from time to time ....


      • #4
        And it's available in the middle of the night! You can't say that about a program support group.

        Any chance of a nap today?
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5
          This site is better than any program support group I have been in.

          It only gets better with time!
          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


          • #6
            This site has saved more medical marriages than any book or advice column in the world. It's really where the rubber meets the road because everyone here will call each other on their crap, defend each other to the nth degree, support each other through tragedy and hardship, and celebrate like rock stars for all of the happy moments.

            and we're rich, poor, starting out, finished, all races, all religions (including none!), all specialties (except what was it? Psychiatrists and podiatrists?)

            and best of all, at 3am when you're up for whatever reason, you know you can vent away.

            and once again, thanks to Thomas for having a bastid of a fellowship which inspired Kris to develop this site! (in lieu of killing him)



            • #7
              Originally posted by jloreine
              This site has saved more medical marriages than any book or advice column in the world. It's really where the rubber meets the road because everyone here will call each other on their crap, defend each other to the nth degree, support each other through tragedy and hardship, and celebrate like rock stars for all of the happy moments.

              and we're rich, poor, starting out, finished, all races, all religions (including none!), all specialties (except what was it? Psychiatrists and podiatrists?)

              and best of all, at 3am when you're up for whatever reason, you know you can vent away.
              What more could I ask for?
              Married to pediatric surgery fellow, SAHM to 2 munchkins


              • #8
                Originally posted by jloreine
                This site has saved more medical marriages than any book or advice column in the world. It's really where the rubber meets the road because everyone here will call each other on their crap, defend each other to the nth degree, support each other through tragedy and hardship, and celebrate like rock stars for all of the happy moments.

                and we're rich, poor, starting out, finished, all races, all religions (including none!), all specialties (except what was it? Psychiatrists and podiatrists?)

                and best of all, at 3am when you're up for whatever reason, you know you can vent away.

                and once again, thanks to Thomas for having a bastid of a fellowship which inspired Kris to develop this site! (in lieu of killing him)
                can I get that on a coffee mug?


                • #9
                  Welcome Dandelion. I'm excited, nervous, and somewhat horrified to hear about what awaits us for peds surg fellowship.

                  Does anyone have any liqueor that we can break open so that I can fortify myself?

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    I can say with 100% certainty that Luanne and I do.

                    What would you like, Kelly?



                    • #11
                      Are you kidding? We're just starting med school and I've got handles of Vodka in the freezer. ... Oh yeah, and Ouzo and tequila and rum and champagne and wine and beer. I can't wait to see where I'm going to put my food and dishes by the time residency comes along. :>


                      • #12
                        Kelly, if only you lived a bit closer. I have a collection at home and another one at work. There's nothing like polishing off a bottle of wine on a call night.

                        Back to the original topic. I love this site and I love you guys. Before coming here I never met anyone who so gets me. Thank you.


                        • #13
                          I hate to admit this, but I'm kind of a wus about hard alcohol. I'm more of a beer and wine girl. (Remember my college nickname--two beers Sears?). Still I think this is going to take hard alcohol to get me through. What do you have that you can mix up into a shameful girly drink to make it more palatable? Please include an umbrella.

                          Edited to include my internal monologue:
                          [Please. Oh dear Lord, I can't believe we still have 2.75 years of training left. Make it stop! I've been a good girl. I've not assassinated a single surgeon or chewed out the Department Head or thrown Malatov Cocktails at the American College of Surgeons meetings. Shouldn't this count for something?]

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            When i'm in the mood for a particularly girly drink, I go for a Flirtini. Top off a well-made Cosmo with champagne and viola! You'll feel better in no time at all! And we'll toss in the ubrella for good measure. Just stick it through a lime and add rim sugar if you are feeling fancy.

                            Can you tell I'm a cocktail queen. hehe.


                            • #15
                              Hard liquor palatable - the Heidi way.

                              Take your favorite juice. Add sprite if you want for sugar. Add Malibu rum and your favorite flavored vodka.

                              And the Alabama Slammer - cocktail style.

                              1 shot southern comfort
                              1 shot amaretto
                              splash of sloe gin - go easy or it tastes to strong
                              fill with pineapple juice and orange juice

                              Just one of these (or two if you weigh as much as I do) will have you very happy. I hate anything that tastes remotely of alcohol. These are my favorites.

                              And cross posted:

                              I have one for a punch that is soooo good, and you can add almost any alcohol to it.

                              It's actually a slush, which is very fun!

                              Juice of 2 oranges
                              Juice of 2 lemons
                              1/2 can (large) pineapple juice
                              2 cups sugar
                              3 1/2 cups water
                              Assorted frozen fruit - strawberries, raspberries, peaches (optional- changes color)

                              Freeze this in gallon freezer bags laid flat to feeze in the freezer. Store for as long as you need...up to months beforehand.

                              About 10-30 minutes before serving place in punch bowl. Just before serving add Sprite and whatever spirits you want. I have done this with Vodka, Rum, Malibu Rum.

                              Have fun and happy buzzing!

                              I hate beer and wine! Too much alcohol taste for me. These on the other hand are fabulous!

                              I also enjoy ice cream mudslides! A milkshake with alcohol! Fantastic!

                              1 1/2 oz vodka
                              1 1/2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream
                              1 1/2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
                              8 ice cubes
                              1 1/2 oz cream
                              1 scoop vanilla ice cream
                              2 scoops chocolate ice cream
                              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

