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Hate the DMV

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  • Hate the DMV

    I know everyone hates the DMV but I really HATE IT!!! I went and took care of my license to get my name changed and had to use close to two hours to fill out the paper work (1 minute) and take the new picutre (3 secs). Of course it sucks to have to do this when you start a new job so I gave my boss heads about it so she knew it wouldn't happen again.

    Three weeks have passed and I called to ask where my new license is and the woman on the phone says "Didn't you get the letter..." I respond calmly "what letter?" "Oh something happened to the picture and it's lost so you have to come back and take a new one, sorry I guess the letter got lost in the mail" I'm like what the #%!! are you talking about. I have to go back to the lions den? I ask if I can cut the line since I already waited and she said that it is up to the management at the DMV location.

    I hate the DMV!!!!!!!!
    Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!

  • #2
    :thud: That is crazy!


    • #3
      I know I've possted this elsewhere but my brother went to get a new license in New Jersey and had to prove he wasn't "Johnny Martinez" aka Johnny Martin the convicted Felon...

      and my parents had his birth certificate but my dad was in Indonesia at the time. My mom had to call my dad, find out where he had the birth certificates, FedEx my brother's birth certificate so that my brother could prove he was not Johnny Martinez.



      • #4
        Originally posted by jloreine
        I know I've possted this elsewhere but my brother went to get a new license in New Jersey and had to prove he wasn't "Johnny Martinez" aka Johnny Martin the convicted Felon...
        Unless Johnny Martinez was no longer in custody at the time, how could he be applying for a drivers license?

        Government bureaucracy and incompetence never cease to amaze me. I know I should be used to this by now but each new story makes my jaw drop.
        IM PGY-2


        • #5
          a question that my brother attempted to ask, however the NJ State Police Officer wasn't in an answering mood. Not to mention that MOST people named Johnny Martinez are not strawberry blond with blue eyes. Now there are a lot of blonds in Spain, but this particular Johnny Martinez was described as having jet black hair, brown eyes and tattoos. (I don't think my brothers multitude of freckles count, even if you drew a line from freckle to freckle with a Sharpie)



          • #6
            LDRO, did you go to the one on 34th St? I've never been myself but everyone swears it's the emptiest and most efficient in the whole city.


            • #7
              I went to the Express one on 34th (it was on July 3rd when everyone New Yorker thought "Oh! I'll go into the DMV today")

              I went back today to take the stupid picture and had to force a smile. I also got the ticket mistress to let me cut in line so it was ten minutes in there with 30 minutes of travel time. Not too bad.
              Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!

