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  • WHY?

    Why does dd #3 have to always eat dog food and play in the water bowl? Why, when I have told her 16,000 times NO! does she do it anyway? Why did my puppy take the hugest poop ever this morning on the carpet AFTER I took him for a walk? Why did he pee on his dog bed that I just washed AFTER I took him for a walk? (btw, he hasnt had an accident in weeks) Why did ds #1 take the crank that opens the shutter type windows and OPEN them and break the mounting system? Why after I lectured him about touching things did he somehow find a screwdriver (thanks dh, for putting your tools away...NOT) and take the vent out of the wall for the AC? Why did dd #2 take my dyson that I hadnt put away yet and drag it out....letting the puppy chew on the cord? And why oh why did they go in my room and take their clothes out of the dresser and spread them around and unmake my bed????

    I'll tell you WHY!!! Because Im trying to clean this friggen house and its hot and gross outside and they would rather undo everything Im trying to do inside. I GIVE UP!!!!! Oh and to make it better dh isnt coming home tonight, so that means no rest for me!!!! Guess this is something I should get used to.

    :clean: :floor: :clothes:

    p.s. bedtime is 7:30 and it cant come soon enough!
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    You should get the church to fence part of the yard (talk up the safety concerns) and then you could let the kids and dogs run around and go nuts outside while you watch from your air conditioned house. Oh, with cocktail in hand of course.

    Face it, those guys have you outnumbered. have a Dyson.


    • #3
      I survived...they survived!

      Laura rest dyson is fine. Thankfully!!! yard is safe I dont have to worry about them going was just too stinking hot to be out today. They lasted a grand total of 20 minutes

      Im off to fold the mountains of laundry that "reproduced" today.

      Seriously, will this day ever end?
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

