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Birthday Gift for the "He Already Has Everything"

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  • Birthday Gift for the "He Already Has Everything"

    I need some serious help. SO's birthday is coming up at the end of the month, and I have NO IDEA what to get him. He has everything and the only things he wants are a new car and a house. I've badgered him for ideas, but he hasn't been able to think of anything. "I already have everything I need", etc. (Wouldn't that be nice?! )
    I have suggested barware, food, vacation, car detailing, clothing, making something, decorative items, furniture, electronics, watches, everything! and it all gets met with a shrug and a "eh... I don't know." :>

    So... any suggestions for the guy who has everything and wants nothing?

    ETA: We're looking at a budget of $75 - $125

  • #2
    If you want to be practical, any of the 8000 textboooks he will need over the next four years+ might help.

    Experiences are way more fun though.



    • #3
      Last year I took him to an amusement park and we acted like we were 15 and had a BLAST! I've suggested wine tasting, the botanical gardens, and sporting events and they have all been met with the shrug, etc. Am I missing any other sorts of outings??


      • #4
        That stinker.

        I like the experience idea. Day hike followed by dinner?

        If he really liked the amusement park day, I'll bet that he will like what you plan once you get started doing it.


        • #5
          Okay, I need more help. He says he's not going to have the time to take a whole day or weekend to celebrate. At this point, I'm ready to get him nothing! What are some gifts that you have given to your SOs?


          • #6
            Does he like massages? Maybe you can schedule a Joe Black-type massage.

            DH is really hard to get gifts for too. For his last birthday, I got him a massage cushion to put over his home office chair.


            • #7
              When we were first married I bought my husband a watch for around $100-125 watch and still loves it/uses it...he also has everything and has had other watches, but because it was special and from me, he really liked it.


              • #8
                I was just as stumped a few months ago. It seemed that after so many years of being together I already got DH every type of present possible. So I decided to splurge on a nice long weekend getaway to a B&B (with botanical gardens, spa and wine tasting thrown in). He absolutely loved it (despite the traffic) and said it was the best present ever.

                Lots of spas offer services tailed specifically for men. What about a fancy shave or a guy's version of facial or pedicure?


                • #9
                  What's wrong with giving nothing? It's my favorite present.


                  • #10

                    See the Call Room... I've made some decisions!

