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Day 1 of a Billion

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  • Day 1 of a Billion

    SO started his classes today! He's officially a med student! Here we gooooo!

    Should I go crawl under a rock now?

  • #2
    Oh that's right! I forgot that you all were just starting as well! Glad it's going well so far. Anyone else just beginning this month???


    • #3
      my hubby started the 2nd.. We are in week three.. and I am ready to crawl under a rock!!! Can we do this together guys!!!!
      Cheryl~wife to MS3 and Mommy to our two beautiful daughters...


      • #4
        My fiance is starting his second year on Monday. One year down, three more to go. We can do this, we can totally do this. Right?!?
        IM PGY-2


        • #5


          • #6
            Originally posted by FutureRN
            He can pull the occasional all-nighter or occasionally go on a wee bit of sleep, but he cannot do ~5-6 hours of sleep a night.
            gotta say ... that does not bode well for intern year .... or many years after depending on specialty choice.


            • #7
              this is the end of J's first week of classes.

              so far my only concern is that she's already getting involved in about a dozen exta-curricular type things, and in college she had a bad habit of overextending herself.

              as for her classwork, it all seems to be going well.

              she's doing great on the sleep front as well. once we get going, we can each get by on 4 hours a night 6 nights a week (just need that one night to "catch up" - I don't care is "sleep banking" is a myth, it works for us!)
              - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


              • #8
                Welll, funny thing is I just watched a show (Dr. Know) on how people can indeed catch up on sleep. It was rather interesting. Supposedly people enter the REM phase much quicker than usual when they're catching up on lost sleep.
                IM PGY-2


                • #9
                  Good, because I am exhausted and I want to go to bed EARLY tonight!

                  How's everyone doing so far? SO is doing pretty well, save for some stupid time management slip-ups. On the whole, so far so good with classes, sleep, and time together.


                  • #10
                    They seem to go so far into sleep depriviation by the end of 2nd year that they catch up every way they SO is in ortho in Canada and 100+ hour work weeks are normal here, he used to regularly fall asleep mid sentence... it actually go to be a big joke because I would make up these big stories and could easliy convince him that he agreed to whatever...


                    • #11
                      SarahB, I must ask you if you are insane? In looking at you signature, I see a common bond - ortho. Why, then, oh, why dear are you letting him do two fellowships? Are you insane? I only ask because I am wondering if I will be insane in two years. I am on my way there now. Perhaps you just handle it better than I do, but, seriously, why?
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #12
                        I always knew that he wanted to do Tumour, but there aren't any centers big enough to do that solely, sooo he's also going to do arthroplasty as well....problem is that we still don't have the 1st one (joint replacement ) finalized yet and it is fast approaching (9 months) frankly it's causing a bit of stress.....our 9 and 10 year old boys are getting quite anxious about where they will be etc. Does your SO know what he wants to do yet? Believe it or not I did set guidelines down, only 2 fellowships and then I prayed he wouldn't choose trauma :>


                        • #13
                          My hubby wants to do trauma, but I forbade it (not explicitly, but I let him know how I feel), and he knows how much that would affect us, and he won't do it. It is his favorite though. He loves the procedures, but he hates the hours.

                          He is leaning toward foot and ankle, which I am immensely happy about.

                          Our program chair was a tumor surgeon until recently when he retired. Aren't there a few solo tumor fellowships? Does he need to do fellowship in Canada, or can he choose a felllowship in the U.S. if tumor fellowships aren't available there? It seems strange to do a joint fellowship on top of all that training.

                          Good luck to you.
                          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                          • #14
                            Glad for you that he's not going to do arguement was that when he is on call he will get to do a bit of trauma anyway! We are thinking that the first fellowship will be in the UK ( we both have dual citizenship) and the 2nd is in Canada....two completely seperate ones, YUCK! The thing is though if we were to get a job in Canada he has to do both........your SO is in 4th yr now?


                            • #15
                              Yikes! Moving across the ocean with 3 boys! How do you entertain that? Wow! I am in awe. I really am a bitter shrew! I just don't think I could be supportive of doing that. You are remarkable, truly, and I am inspired by it.

                              My hubby is a 3rd year, so we have three more to go before fellowship. He only gets one.
                              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

