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    can you believe this?? say Patsy was told of the impending arrest shortly before she succumbed to cancer in much drama and tragedy

    Thai police: Man admits killing Ramsey By SUTIN WANNABOVORN, Associated Press Writer
    4 minutes ago

    An American suspect arrested in Bangkok has admitted to killing 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey, the head of Thailand immigration police said Thursday, a surprise breakthrough in a lurid, decade-old murder mystery that had cast a cloud of suspicion over her parents.

    John Mark Karr, 41, admitted to the killing after he was arrested at his downtown Bangkok apartment Wednesday night, Lt. Gen. Suwat Tumrongsiskul told The Associated Press.

    Suwat said Karr arrived in Bangkok on June 6 from Malaysia to look for a teaching job. It was not clear whether he got a teaching position, the police officer said.

    Karr's visa has been revoked as an "undesirable person" given the accusations against him, and U.S. authorities were expected to take him to the United States in the next few days, Suwat said.

  • #2
    It is a shame that Mrs. Ramsey had to fight a horrible disease and go to her grave with everyone assuming she did it. May she now rest in peace.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      I also wanted to point out that is is pretty interesting he was arrested in Thailand. That is the number one country for child sex/porn. Discusting man. I cant believe he was a former school teacher.
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        This case has stuck with me more than other media fiascos in the last few years. I read many of John Douglas' books (the reknowned FBI criminal profiler) and after his investigation into the case, he opined that the Ramseys were not involved in this crime. This always stuck with me because his work seemed meticulous on high profile, difficult cases.

        Anyway, I hope that all the Ramseys, departed or otherwise, find some small measure of peace. And if this guy is found guilty, may he rot in hell with all the other pedophiles out there.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          That is the number one country for child sex/porn. Discusting man. I cant believe he was a former school teacher.
          ... I know it totally creeps me out wondering how many victims he may have out there!!!

          BTW I just read a headline that stated his ex-wife said he was w/ her in Alabama when the murder took place... looks like we will have to watch how this plays out...


          • #6
            it just makes me wonder what was it that took 10 years to get together on him, or what happened recently that made it clear it was him? i hope they do have the right person. that was a terrible, terrible tragedy. if her parents really weren't involved, well then, it's truly, truly awful how they were smeared. i was convinced they were involved. when i first heard of this arrest, i assumed that Patsy had left information in her will or something - out of guilt - and they'd used that to catch the person. it's so horrifying.

            if he is the guilty one, i'm glad that Patsy got to hear they were close before she died.


            • #7
              His ex-wife is now saying he couldn't have done it because he was with her in Alabama at the time!
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #8
                It's tragic, this case has been all over the news in Europe too throughout the years. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is just trying to take credit for the murder and didn't actually do it. It's sick.

                I remember seeing a documentary on this case, how evidence got screwed up etc. It's so sad that this little girls killer wasn't brought to justice because of stupid mistakes, inefficiency and coverups. It's not surprising that the parents were accused, they're always the first suspects in the death of a child. Sad but true.
                Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending

