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What's YOUR latest obsession?

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  • What's YOUR latest obsession?

    Mine: Carr's Ginger Lemon Creme cookies from Trader Joe's!
    DH and I have become quite enamored of these little cookies and I find myself buying 4-5 boxes at a time, just in case TJ's runs out! I have several after lunch and several after dinner! I can't help myself! YUM!

    Be it food, drink, clothing, hobbies etc...
    What's your latest obsession?

  • #2
    Toll House Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches

    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #3
      Klondike Slim-a-bear's my nightly indulgence.


      • #4
        Knitting. seriously. I can't stop. In fact I make myself not do it when I'm tired because I know I'll mess up and have to take it all out (OCD)

        Yoga- I went back to my original yoga studio here and MAN, do I feel better. Already. and my instructor is sooooo cool.


        PS- The Vermonty Python Ben and Jerry's is quite delish as well. and I'm proud to say the pint has lasted a whole week and there's still some left.


        • #5
          Protein bars


          • #6
            Peanut M&Ms are a long-standing obsession. I keep large bags in my desk at work and at home. Last Christmas, SO bought me the biggest bag I've ever seen as a joke, but now he's obsessed too.


            • #7
              orville redenbachers 'smart pop' mini bags ... whenever i get an urge to just nosh, i've been eating that.

              a whole week for a pint of ice cream Jenn? i thought you were my friend!


              • #8
                Clothing? Window shopping at Japanese weekend website and sale page.

                The Starbucks Barista my mom gave me. I'm raking in latte money savings and will be rich!

                Pom pomegranite juices. I've been making iced tea, fizzy water, pomegranite juice drinks.


                • #9
                  Ooooh, have you tried the IZZE sparkling pomegranite drinks????

                  SO GOOD - (but my favorite is the grapefruit)


                  • #10
                    Green apple jelly bellies. I buy them in bulk


                    • #11
                      I have another one...
                      (Sorry, I'm completely over-posting this thread.)

                      Edmond Fallot Dijon Mustard Crocks

                      They are hard to find in the US (I bought my first crock in Paris last summer) but you can find them online. They typically run about $15/crock but I swear, it is SO GOOD! I just spent $50 on a few jars because SO loves his too and we're just completely obsessed. If anyone wants a sample, I'll share.


                      • #12
                        Children's clothing....especially shoes. I spend about 10x more on DS's clothes than I do for DH and me put together. I have to keep reminding myself that a 13-month-old does not need Pumas.

                        Fuze drinks......Mmmmmmm!


                        • #13
                          Cashews. I try not to keep them in the house. Or the car.
                          And TextTwist. It's this really stupid word game on yahoo, and I JUST CAN'T STOP!!!
                          Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                          Let's go Mets!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by fluffhead
                            Cashews. I try not to keep them in the house. Or the car.
                            And TextTwist. It's this really stupid word game on yahoo, and I JUST CAN'T STOP!!!
                            I love TextTwist!!
                            I also like Bejeweled even though it is really stupid!
                            My latest non-food obsession is downloading to my ipod....i need to think of more songs; it's only half full! maybe i'll put an audio book on there. hmm


                            • #15
                              Oh, I *love* TextTwist AND Bejeweled!!

                              Right now I'm really enjoying the sesame-honey sticks from TJs (where else? ).

                              -Wife of urology attending.
                              -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

