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I've never been this happy!!

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  • I've never been this happy!!

    This probably belongs in the relationship section but i don't qualify for there yet so I hope no one minds me posting this here.

    Well I've finally made it to Boston from Ireland and reunited with my significant other. It's been an amazinf few days although he has been working also. When I arrived at the airport he was standing there with a bouquet of flowers and we hugged each other for ages and ages neither of us wanting to let go! I daren't even think about having to leave him again in 3 weeks.

    Unfortunately i did end up attending the emergency room where an over eager PGY2 surgeon wanted to whip out my appendix but i insisted on a CT....bad patient......but i was right, not appendix but got a diagnosis for pain i've been havign for years, congestive pelvic syndrome, its kind of like having varicose veins to your uterus and usually seen in people who've had ots of babies...only have 1 but have also miscarried 4 times.

    SO is MIA and ETA tonight is 2am so am being a good wife to be and doing the washing and relaxing, lots of relaxing.....start how you mean to go on!!

    WE're off for the weekend to the cape and i know he has soemthing up his sleeve hmmm...can't wait. has anyone been on the high speed ferry from Boston to provinencetown??? I'm a terrible boat traveller and was wondering does it actually go into open sea (as apoose to sheltered waters near land) ie is it aq bumpy journey??

    Just wanted top share my happiness, the long distance is worth it when you can feel this happy when you're reunited!!

  • #2
    GREAT! Enjoy your time together!

    We were long distance (US and Germany) for most of our relationship and I know exactly how it is to reunite - and do those tearful goodbyes...

    Depends on how big the ferry is for me. If it's the Victoria Clipper, it was not good. The rough waters made me throw up. The bigger state ferries have always been ok for me.

    Dramamine works for me. It also puts me to sleep and makes me incredibly drowsy.

    Have fun!
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #3
      I forgot to answer. Yes, the smaller boats are bumpy when it's open water. My dad always says to look far away and focus on something that is not moving, far off in the distance. This doesn't really work when you can't see land, but at least look out the window at the horizon. It does help!
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        Hope you're having a wonderful time!

        I remember how good it was to see DH during our long distance relationship (dating and early marriage). It was so difficult to squeeze in our time together around his horrendous hours - he used to smuggle me into the doctor's room overnight! Finally seeing his face after being apart made everything seem better, even while staying in that smokey little room! Even now though, the hours of this life can make every day seem long distance...

        (Don't get too carried away with that you said, start as you mean to continue! )



        • #5
          Annie, the Clipper gets you up to Victoria in something ridiculous, like 2 hours, if I've not mistaken. That beats the drive to Vancouver and across the bay. Victoria's nice. Tons of retired people having afternoon tea go up there and pretend they're in a quaint town in the UK.

          I'm never getting on the Clipper ever again. Although, it was an exceptionally bad day. There were waves crashing against the windows! I thought we were going to sink. And we were rocking back and forth the WHOLE way! When we got to Victoria I called my parents and told them to drive up to come get us!
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            Congrats on seeing your honey again. Sorry that you ended up in the ER. Glad you insisted on a CT scan.

            Have fun on your trip...hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!!

            Oh, and to be on the safe side...take a dramamine.
            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #7
              I haven't taken the ferry, but NE waters can change quickly that I would take the dramamine to be on the safe side. Enjoy your time together. Hopefully soon you won't have to think about parting anymore.


              We were camping on the cape last month. If you do any hiking definitely watch out for ticks. I brushed off 4 from dh's pants alone.


              • #8
                When I arrived at the airport he was standing there with a bouquet of flowers

                he used to smuggle me into the doctor's room overnight!
                wow I remember those days... cherish these times!!!


                • #9
                  Dramamine works for me. It also puts me to sleep and makes me incredibly drowsy.
                  They came out with a "less drowsy" kind. It's not nearly as bad as the regular. I would second the suggestions to take it, but that's just cause I got sick on a cruise ship! The ferry sounds like a nightmare.

                  Anywho...have fun with your honey! :---


                  • #10
                    I'm still having the best time!!

                    The cape was beautiful! Provincetown where we stayed this time was very colourful! The boat journey both ways was bumpy but thanks to the drug recommendations and added in some cyclizine too I didn't throw ;up and slept most of thre journey in SO arms, I enjoyed the journey home, we were on the ferry home during sunset and it was so beautiful and perfect to end the weekend.

                    We hired out some bikes and headed out to some beach that SO saw on a map, we had to park the bikes up and then walk half an hour, we walked down to the seafront, thinking it was very quiet, (ie no kids which i love about the beach, the noise of excited kids and people chatting away), we had ended up on a male only gay beach!! Thanks Darling for making me get on a bike, something i haven't done for 14 years, cycle mostly uphill, forget the drinks on this hot day to end up here!!! we just cracked up laughing! and having such a fun time!
                    We are going to Water country this weekend and then New York either the following or my last weekend here.

                    Right i'm off to get a shower, meet SO from work at 10pm and then find somewhere to eat at that time!!


                    • #11
                      LOL about the beach!! I'm glad you had a great time!!


                      • #12
                        We hired out some bikes and headed out to some beach that SO saw on a map, we had to park the bikes up and then walk half an hour, we walked down to the seafront, thinking it was very quiet, (ie no kids which i love about the beach, the noise of excited kids and people chatting away), we had ended up on a male only gay beach!!
                        I'd love to see that postcard!


                        • #13
                          I'm glad you are enjoying your time together. The beach story is fantastic....something you can always look back on and laugh.


                          • #14
                            Congrats on reuniting with your SO! I just said goodbye to my fiance at the airport this morning so I know how nice it is to be together, even if only for a short time.
                            IM PGY-2


                            • #15
                              I know, I'm already dreading the airport goodbye in 2 weeks but at least its only 8 weeks before we're together again and with our little boy in tow next time. It won't even be an airport goodbye, SO started his surgery rotation yesterday, he leaves the house at 5.45a and last night he got home after 8p but thankfully has the weekends off, I will be leaving on a tuesday so will be making my way to the airport myself and will be saying goodbye to SO as he leaves for work at 5.45 that morning.

                              We went to water country, A water amusment park just ouside of Boston in Portsmouth, it was 60 F, raining and windy and outdoors! but that didn't stop us, we're Irish, we're use to the wind, rain and cold. I've never screamed so much since i was about 6! it was great fun, but we did both end up with a cut lip and I got an extra toothmark in the shoulder. We were coming down one of the slides in a 2 person boat thing and at the end we went over a bump and we both knocked heads and his tooth went into my shoulder skin break, we both were comparing bleeding lips.....mine was way worse i swear!!

                              We went to the aquarium, here, SO gets a discount from work, It is fantastic! I can't wait to bring DS here, he loves fishies and duckies!!

