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  • Habits?

    In light of the latest obsession posts, I was going to add this but didn't want to take over.

    So, we all have those strange quirks or habits that our loved ones find amusing but that we just can't let go of.

    Well, I have so many I don't know where to begin. One that my DH finds hilaroius is my bed making. I CANNOT sleep in a messy bed. I won't let him get in the bed until it's perfect. It's weird and completely pointless but there you go.

    What are your quirks?
    Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
    Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending

  • #2
    Are we talking bad or good? DH hates when I come home from work and leave my shoes under the coffee table. This is something I inherited from my mom.

    The one i can't stand that he does is the "classic" not changing the toilet paper roll. I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of any right now.


    • #3
      My DH hates me eatting crackers in bed :argue: But sometimes you're really hungry AND really tired


      • #4
        Well let's see if I remember what I posted earlier.

        -I never ever step out of the shower before I'm completely dry. I can't stand to later walk into the bathroom and step on a wet rug. My fiance completely disregards this pet peeve of mine and often walks out of the shower and through the entire house while still drying. Grrr!!!

        -I never eat my corn on the cob with the rest of my food. I don't like it when other foods touch it. Weird, I know.

        -I hate doing the dishes after someone else has cooked because invariably the kitchen is a bloody mess and I don't even know where to begin. Whenever I cook, I rinse and put all the utensils and dishes into the dishwasher right away.

        -Whenever I show my fiance something in a book, a magazine, or on the laptop, I must hold the item myself and I hate it when he pulls it out of my hands. It must be all those years of being the center of attention as an only child.

        -The first thing I do in the morning is visit my daily websites, such as iMSN, PITNB, my webmail, etc. I usually do this with my eyes half closed. During the past few months, this habit of mine has come to be known as my "morning check."

        -I never shower, cook, wash dishes, or do dirty work around the house with my engagement ring on. My fiance and my parents laugh at me for doing this but the thought of dirt or soap scum getting stuck in every little crevice is too much for me to stand.

        I bet I can think of more odd habits but this is more than enough for now. Yikes!
        IM PGY-2

