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  • Mace

    I have noooo idea what section this falls under, but is mace legal anywhere in the US?? It is not legal in VA, but I really want some since I live alone in the middle of the city. Any knowledge out there on this?? (or where I could get some )

  • #2
    You can purchase it online. A lot of states don't allow it. You might have to get someone in a legal state to order it for you and then they can ship it to you afterwards. I think it is legal in MA.
    Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


    • #3
      pepper spray seems to be easily available??

      I had mace years ago, when single. When I tried to reorder some, I discovered that pepper spray was the norm in selfdefense sprays.


      • #4
        Yes, pepper spray is legal and readily available. SO said I should try to get mace though because it is more effective. Apparently you can train yourself to not be affected by pepper spray....??


        • #5
          I bought pepper spray when I first moved to Chicago. It attaches to my key chain and has a spray nozzle. I bought it at Walgreens, I believe. I think you've got to be over 18 years of age (you show ID) in order to buy it.

          I feel safer. There have been times when I've been waiting for a train and have my finger on the trigger.

          Just don't stand such that the wind will blow the spray into your face.
          married to an anesthesia attending

