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  • Pinkpickles

    quite honestly, looking at that picture gave me HUGE he-be-je-bes. *shudder, cold chills* bleh! i am NOT an insect person...AT ALL. ugg...blech....shudder, shudder, shudder. :!
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    Re: Pinkpickles

    Originally posted by Momof4
    Anyway, we were told that if you are seeing scorpions you may have rats nests outside your home.

    Even better! :!

    (Looking on the bright side, I suppose that gives you a new angle for taking care of it).


    • #3
      ooooooh -- no way i could handle that!! no way. i would be OUTTA THERE!


      • #4
        Yikes! Now that's another thing to consider when applying for residencies. :!
        IM PGY-2


        • #5
          Holy crap !!!Speaking of rats...upon returning from IN the beginning of Aug. I had the extreme displeasure of finding a dead & what I think was a huge rat in the skimmer basket of the pool! Our wall backs up to a rocky ravine...I was told that basically on the other side of the wall it's pretty much scorpion city as they live under rocks!
          We surmised that the bug guy killed of their food source outside so thoroughly that they came in looking for food...I had never heard of the rat/scorpion thing...I will be informing DH that it's time to call in the major exterminating firm in the Valley...

          another Med Spouse/ friend of mine that moved here, got stung on her foot after slipping on her shoe!!!!!!

          Yet another creep city thing, is that, you should never squish/smash a scorpion in your house! The females carry their young on their backs and if you were to squish her, the babies might disperse and crawl into nooks and crannies. So you ask, how did you kill them ? A broom with lots of packing tape wrong side out wrapped around the bristles, creating a large sticky area...then you press it against them, and transfer it to a jar so you can show the kids and make sure they know that this is a "bad guy bug" and to always stay away and get mommy or daddy when you see one! Now that everybody knows what they look like we just go outside w/ them and smash them on the ground!

          My neighbor actually told me, when we first moved in, that a lot of people put their babycrib legs, in glass jars. The scorpion can not climb on glass. She also said people will put mosquito netting over cribs to keep them from falling in! I am pretty nuerotic about bugs, but I passed on the jars and netting!

          Now who wants to visit ??


          • #6
            OMG...note to self...NEVER move to Arizona...NEVER.
            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #7
              glass cribs please.

              no freakin' way. you are a stronger woman than i.


              • #8
                OMG Tara!!! Now You know I went and looked up the "kissing bug" and now I am freaked out because I have seen those before...Gee you all probably have a picture of some bug infested filth house, but I assure you it's not!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mom2three
                  OMG...note to self...NEVER move to Arizona...NEVER.
                  NO KIDDING!!! Agh!


                  • #10
                    Wow- and I thought the fire ants of south texas would do me in! We supposedly have the occasional scorpian and we definitely have river rats but...holy moly.

                    See, there is no real benefit to moving where it's always hot. At least the snow and cold kills off the nasties of the north w/ regularity. (and fleas? Don't even ask about the flea problems here where there are no hard frosts...)



                    • #11
                      Right about now, I am looking forward to 3 foot high snowdrifts. Cold, cold, cold.....and bug free for me.
                      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                      • #12
                        I just wish to apologize to all those living in AZ that love it and do their best to reassure people that thes "critters" are rare or not a problem...I know personally that it truly is "hit or miss". Like I said there are plenty of people that never have had to deal w/ any of's just our dumb luck


                        • #13

                          Did the AZ state tourism and relocation board send you a threatening e-mail?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Momof4
                            Although since I've killed four diamond backs in the last month I doubt we have too many rodents around. Killed them with my car, I'm not very brave. And I apologize to all those who think we should live in harmony with our environment, just can't have rattlers in my front yard. :!
                            Diamond Back Rattlesnakes? In a residential area? Holy cow. I'm NEVER going to AZ. I freaked out when I learned that Kansas even HAS rattlesnakes -- but they generally stay in the woods (and I don't go there). But on a driveway??? Holy Moley!


                            • #15
                              I've killed four diamond backs in the last month I doubt we have too many rodents around. Killed them with my car, I'm not very brave. And I apologize to all those who think we should live in harmony with our environment, just can't have rattlers in my front yard.

                              PLEASE Tara's rattler situation TOTALLY TRUMPS my scorpions & dead rat any day!!!!!!
                              The only snake I have ever found on our property was a harmless baby white striped whip snake...again in the skimmer basket

