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  • How you doin?

    Annie - so glad to hear things have settled down, you sound happy. Can I come visit? I love lighthouses - seriously DH and I would love to do an east coast trip someday, his parents are doing one this year (Boston, martha's vineyard, etc) and it sounds like a lot of fun.

    No transitions for us this year, though I think we're in the minority. DH's third year is going well, my dad visited last week and we tiled. You can see pictures here:

    We're starting cycle #2 with the RE - all injectibles this month so I'm optimistic my body never responded well to the clomid, just waiting for a call back to get things started. Other than that we're just plugging along and enjoying the late summer/early fall weather before the MN winter rolls in.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    No...How YOU doin?

    We great here! School started yesterday and so far so good. My newly minted first grader had some anxiety, but we're working through it. DD started the toddler program at the same school and I'm very impressed with the staff and opportunities. It is soooo nice to have them in the same place, and at a place that I feel great about. Holy, moly, childcare and school decisions are NOT for the faint of heart. I could tell stories of my experiences but I'll stop in the name of polite conversation.

    I've had both the van windows replace since the tornados hit. We had to replace the windows because I didn't think it was safe to drive the minivan version of the General Lee. I see the body shop on Wednesday. I think that the damage will be about 5,000 altogther. I'm not sure that I will submit the rest of the claim in hopes of keeping the insurance costs down. Plus, we have a thousand dollar deductible. Although at this point in training, I'm like, put it on my tab.

    The marathon is one month from today!!!!! I did 17 last weekend ( a half marathon race plus four on my own). By mile 15, I was crying for my mommy and sucking my thumb in the fetal position. My thighs have blood blisters from where they rubbed together. I have to be careful that I don't start any forest fires with sparks emanating from down there. This weekend is my 16 miler, followed by next weekend's the big kahuna: 20 miles. :! Fortunately, I'll do a race for the 20 miler. Doing these insane distances with other whack jobs like me helps tremendously. I feel less crazy and less sorry for myself.

    Both DH and I are swamped with work, which is typical for him and atypical for me. Ack! Hope all is well with you all.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Lighthouse retirement plan sounds good to me.

      Floors look great, Cheri!

      Kelly, what the heck happened to your car windows? I must have missed that.

      Not much going on any way. Both kids have colds. Annie, didn't your kids have some weird gagging thing with being sick? I think I am feeling your pain on that one. I've managed to not get sick but attribute my rabid grumpiness to my immune system working overtime. I'm tired. And I can't be this tired for the next 16 weeks. Just not going to work.

      First grade and preschool both start next week. Holy babysitters, I'm going to have two mornings ALL BY MYSELF every week. What will I do?

      Two things I will say quietly lest I jinx anything. MIL seems to be settling in to her new place. Even if this is temporary, it is stable, and that makes me happy. We are getting into the job search thing and I really hope to have it wrapped up before the baby arrives. We've decided to stay here which I feel good about 85% of the time.


      • #4
        Nothing much to talk about from here...

        DH is getting back into the swing of clinical things after a lovely lab year. Long days, long nights, what else is new.

        Jack is starting to crawl and getting into everything, so I've been much busier lately. It's crazy how fast these little buggers can move! The weather has been cool here lately, making me eagerly await the fall (my favorite season). He's caught a little cold which he then very nicely shared with me, so we're a bit under the weather today but hanging in there.

        -Wife of urology attending.
        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


        • #5
          I'm enjoying our new city--we've been here for 6 weeks now. DH likes his new job....he's been an attending for 5 weeks now. I agree with IS weird to have your sig other awake and alert at night, and not having to go to bed at 9 pm like my hubby did all through residency. We actually get to go out on weeknights--it's a new concept for me after 4 years of residency!

          In other news, I found a's only part-time and it's only temporary (filling in for someone for a few months) but it's a step in the right direction, has the potential to turn permanent, and it's in the field I want to be in. I start next week. I also have been interviewing for another part-time job, a really exciting one. They said they'll let me know about that one in the next week.

          We went out of town last weekend to visit the in-laws, it was okay, but I enjoyed our first road trip in our new region. I have family coming in for Labor Day weekend--they'll be here tomorrow. DH and I are finally completely settled in (we've been here 6 weeks now) and the place is ready for visitors. I am excited to show them around our new city.

          I'm also reading a good book--See Jane Win. It's really good, and very interesting. It's about successful women, and what their childhoods/teen years had in common.

          I've still had bouts of extreme lonliness from time to time--when DH is on call--but I'm hoping that one of these days I'll make a friend in the area.


          • #6
            Annie, for some reason it was reassuring to me to read that your Dh is enjoying his new job! Hopefully, my Dh will too. He starts tommorrow and the clinic has scheduled him to see all kids! Yikes.

            I desperately need some routine. With the move and Dh being home 24/7 everything still feels pretty chaotic. Dh wants to drive all around the state and see and do everything humanly possible while he has the time off. Because, of course, once he starts back to work we'll never, ever do anything fun. Driving all around the state a with a 2 year old and 4 month old is not really my idea of a vacation, but whatever he goes back to work tomorrow. Annie- I know what you mean you about vacationing with a 2 year old- yeah right!

            We're getting settled into our new home. As you probably already read, my daughter has broken in the house with some of her artwork on the window sils. I've already re-painted one of the sills because the agents I used to try and remove the marker removed the paint too.

            My son had surgery at OHSU a week ago to remove middle ear fluid in his right ear. It was causing him to have mild to moderate hearing loss in that ear. I was really nervous about him having to be sedated, but fortunately he did really well and the audiologist was able to confirm right after the surgery that he now has normal hearing in both ears. Yeah!
            Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


            • #7
              We're waiting to sell the DC house, still. There are some live prospects and that's a good sign. We got 3/4 of the Earnest Money from Asshat which has been added to the war chest and we have a contract on a house here in the 'hood. (not the B & B for those I have corresponded with recently)

              the house has a pool and a whirlpool which alternately has my psyched to plan a yard around and panicked because if any kid is going to learn how to get through a fence, it's mine.

              Nikolai is adjusting to Daycare and I think he's doing OK. Unfortunately for them, he already knows colors, number, letters and street signs and I think he gets bored. Bored = Destructo. There's a really good tree-hugger nursery school that we're going to get him on the waiting list for, but the requirements are three plus potty-trained. He won't be three until next spring so that'll give us a year to get him completely potty trained.

              I registered my beloved for his Boards (11/9, FYI Fluffhead) and he wasn't the least bit pissed. Frightening. I manage 80% of everything for this man.

              I'm working part-time for people who seem to appreciate what I'm doing, but aren't making it easy for me to acquire all of the information I need. Not uncommon in social services- logical and linear thinking rarely happens in those areas that specialize in client services. I figure I'll remain linear and logical and they can continue to do what they do best.

              and fiinally, the Dawkter- is getting slammed and loving every single second of it. He loves, loves, loves what he does and I'm so glad that for once in the seven years that I've known him, he's doing 100% of the stuff he loves. and really, it's a good thing since Child Neurology is a wee bit specialized. It would have sucked if we spent all of this time getting him trained to have him start and end up hating it!



              • #8
                Sounds like everyone is doing well. I love the lighthouse.

                The girls start school on Tuesday. I am excited about their upcoming school year and very happy with their classroom situations. I am happy to get into a routine and away from too much TV and computer time. We are on the count down to baby's arrival and for DD#1 and DD#2 to turn 5 and 3 years old.

                DH has been working his normal crappy schedule and has some CV's out. I don't expect anything to happen soon. His employer is actually trying to scramble to justify his increased work load which is a surprise to us.

                I worked on some research articles with my former graduate advisor over a year ago and then lost touch. I just received an email saying that one of them has been published which is exciting.

                In-laws are coming for a visit in a week. Not looking forward to that.

                I liked the tile, Cheri!


                • #9
                  I'm doing okay. Since the "weekend roller coaster ride" three weeks ago now, mama actually returned to the hospital last week for a couple of nights. No seizures but she wasn't eating well and got dehydrated.

                  Anyway, how am I doing? Well, okay I guess. Work has been busy with lot of year-end writing / reporting. I've been running some lately - a long way from my marathon days as I'm happy to find the discipline to run three or four miles in the evening.

                  I'm hoping DW will make the final decision as to what specialty to pursue -- soon like yesterday. I've got a list of schools for one option and have been stalling about compiling another hoping it won't be necessary.

                  Brought home a bunch of French books from the public library a couple of weeks ago thinking I'd try to reactivate a dead part of my brain. No ressucitation yet.

                  I'm up early as DW had to get out and round this a.m.

                  But I'm also excited because today is going to be wonderful:

                  :football: Going to start watching GameDay at 10 AM and probably won't stop watching after that.


                  • #10

                    I'm doing good. I got my Employment Authorization after just 4 months so I can finally start working and settle down a bit. I've been going to interviews but I think half of them are just curious as to how I ended up here (22 yo Irish girl in a small town). I guess they don't see many of us. We have our immigration interview this month, which is TERRIFYING!! We have to gather all this evidence proving that we're a legitimate couple. I'm sure it will be fine.

                    We're planning a trip to Ireland in November which is fantastic. Haven't seen any of my family in 9 months and DH has yet to meet all my extended family. DH is working his usual 16 hour days but our new thing is just trying not to complain about it. Not like it's gonna change anytime soon.

                    In the meantime I'm marvelled at how all my girlfriends are worrying about going back to college and how many nights a week to party. Oh, I wish life was that simple again!!
                    Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                    Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


                    • #11
                      Immigration interviews aren't like GREEN CARD (the movie with Andie McDowell). Don't worry about it. The interviewer asked us our names, where we live, and basically went through our file and punched holes in our documents to put into a different folder.

                      I was very nervous. We were never separated and grilled in separate rooms. And those questions about "which side of the bed do you sleep on," "how your partner likes his/her toast" were never asked. It was pretty boring.

                      Although, when we were taken to the interview room, the interviewer asked how I was, and I said, "fine, thank you." He then said, "No, I asked WHO are you." Not a very nice way to greet someone.

                      You'll be fine! Honestly, they aren't very interested if you're from a first world country.
                      married to an anesthesia attending


                      • #12
                        Thanks Alison, it's good to hear from someone who's been through it. I guess what's most frightening are the consequences if for some reason the doubt you. But, I know that's not gonna happen, we've got nothing to hide. I had heard that the officers are very rude so I'm expecting that. Did you guys get a temporary card or a greencard? I think they'll give me a temporary one because we've been married less than two years.

                        Oh, I can't wait to be done with it!!
                        Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                        Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


                        • #13
                          Here's my update:
                          We're doing well--dh just started his 2nd year as an attending and likes the place he chose to stay (same place he trained). The girls just finished their first week of school. Maya is in 1st grade and Syd in kindergarten. Both of them like their teachers and were ready to go back, I think they were getting a little bored by the end of the summer. They are at the Spanish immersion school--it was neat to see Maya click back into gear after a summer of hearing virtually no Spanish. Syd so far skips in and out of her classroom each day and seems to be adjusting to full days just fine. Mitchell is a typical 2 year old. When he isn't throwing a tantrum, he is a trip. He is constantly pretending to be a T-Rex and chasing his siters around. It's very cute. Sean is growing into a chubby little munchkin. All of the kids still love him, surprisingly we haven't had any jealousy issues. I keep telling myself that in a year, it's going to be AWESOME!
                          As for myself, I am running again, and training for a half marathon with my sister and some of my other friends. I haven't figured out which one I'm running yet, something in October or November. That's about it for us!
                          Awake is the new sleep!


                          • #14
                            After the summer-that-would-never-end, ended, things are back to normal (whatever that is?!).
                            DW is back into work after her summer seeing the world (!), let me tell you, she saw some pretty bad stuff, and mostly has pictures to show for it as well. Her welcome back into the work force has been nothing short of sh***y. It is a long story....
                            DS#1 is a go-getting first grader, school started Aug 4th, so we have that routine done pat. He is playing basketball and reading books like they are going out of style.
                            DS#2 is going to pre-school and finally getting into the swing of that new scene. He isn't one for change, and of course, has been babied for such a long time as well. He had a follow-up EEG with hopes that we can eliminate (eventually) another seizure med. It has been two year, one month and three days since his last seizure!
                            I am taking 15 hours of classes at the locally U. Fun things, like Financial Accounting Theory, Auditing, and getting to know The Federal Income Tax Code.
                            Other than that, we are all just pluggin along with the day to day stuff...
                            Oh, and we also found out that our family will be getting bigger. I guess I should go back and find that post with the stats for frequency...actually, I guess...for lack of better wording, it was "quality, not quantity", but we are expecting our third kiddo sometime near the end of April.
                            And yes, for those of you thinking 'wow that was quick' it was, she got home August 4th. I guess I got one passed the goalie.


                            • #15
                              Nicely done!! :football:

