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Full of surprises!

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  • Full of surprises!

    Ok so, DH and I were driving yesterday and OUR song came on.
    Float On by Modest Mouse. It's a great pick-me-up. Anyway, DH loved this song, then it became our song. I asked him why. He said that it was playing in the bar the first time we met and it kind of stayed with him.

    I couldn't believe he remembered that, I didn't!! :--- And they say men don't care about these things.
    Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
    Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending

  • #2
    Awww that is so sweet!!

    I love it when SO remembers things I don't like certain dates and things, they always come out of the blue and never expect him to remember sentimental things.


    • #3
      My DH does the same thing - I can remember the first song we danced to and the first movie we saw but that is it - he remembers a lot of our firsts that I never remember.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #4

        Neither of us remembers anything other than the day we went to court for Nikolai's adoption (Tax Day) and I remember the day we got home from Russia- April 29. Otherwise, we're looking at each other in May saying-"when did we get married?"



        and we don't have a song. We decided our song was "Best Friend" by Queen but that was only because everyone insisted that we had to have a song. There really is no song, no dance and our first date in public was all you can eat sushi, and I ate him under the table.


        • #5
          Having said that, the first time we danced together was two weeks ago. We had been to a wedding, a ball and he never wanted to dance. I think he just feels awkward about it. He's 6ft and big built, I'm 5ft 1in and petite. I'm tiny next to him.

          He is a sweetheart. I think the one good thing that's coming from this residancy is because we spend so little time together, we try and make the most of the time we do have.

          What are the sweet things your SO does for you?
          Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
          Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


          • #6
            SP2809, I've the same problem with SO I'm 5ft 3 and petite and he's 6 ft 3 and normal bulid, he won't dance other than hold me in his arms while i'm trying to put make up on and sway to whatever song is on the radio, other than that its head banging to some hideous noise he has on his ipod (the i pod fits into speakers so i'm torchured by the sound so, he can't just put the head phones on!) I used to be a pro dancer so would love to get him moving put hes pretty stubborn about the issue!

            He remembers things like our first date when i rang to say i was running late and he pretended he was waiting when he was actually running late too, he remembers our first kiss wasn't actually on the day of our first date because it was after midnight (i couldn't recall this)

            Our first kiss was in the doorway to the multi story carpark, i had met him early in the night, went to a college ball with my friends, he waited for me in a nearby cafed until it finished and we met up again so during that first kiss we were interuptted by the ticket machine, a guys voic came on saying 'you could at least hold up her dress so it doesn't get dirty on the ground!' it was security watching on CCTV

            He reminded me of all these things last night.


            • #7
              Haha, that's great MrsB_2B. I miss that Irish wit!!

              We met in a pub in Cork city. There was this creepy guy trying to get me to dance and DH and his friend were sitting across the table from us. He wouldn't go away so eventually H told him it was obvious I wasn't interested and to leave me alone. This guy took one look at him and ran off. I thanked him and the first thing he said to me was, you're georgous. I thought that was sweet. We talked all night and left the pub at 2:30am, it was raining outside. He gave me his jacket and gave my friend his cap and by the time we'd hailed a cab he was drenched, with not a care in the world. I knew he was a keeper.
              Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
              Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


              • #8
                I got the fright of my life, he had a really thick Dublin accent, and must have smoked 100 ciggies a day while watching the cameras!

                Another one was when we worked together. We wroked in emergency and it was a big open plan space with the nurses and doctors station up on a platform. We both fancied each other at the time and blushed when either of us had to ask the other to do something (our doctors stay with us for 6 months at a time rather than changing every 4 weeks) and we were getting handover. I saw SO walk out of a cublicle of a patient he had just seen and he smiled and walked over, next thing We heard was 'DR BROWNE, OH DR BROWNE....COME BACK HERE' in a really posh accent, all the nurses started sniggering (we call drs by their 1st name, its rare you call someone DR (Surname) unless they are the top man). Every so often if he leaves the room I put on the old ladys accent and call out Dr. Browne!.....we have a weird sense of humour though! We laugh at everything!

