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premonitions/sixth sense

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  • premonitions/sixth sense

    Do you have a sixth sense or premonitions? Do you follow them? How do you differentiate between anxiety and an actual premonition? How often do you go against your gut?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2

    Do you have a sixth sense or premonitions?
    Does it count when I think something will go wrong with the medical lifestyle? Chad says he will be home by ____, I have a premonition it won't happen.

    Do you follow them?
    Yeah, I tell him not to make promises to me he doesn't know he can keep, and not to tell me when he is coming home until he is in the car.

    How do you differentiate between anxiety and an actual premonition?
    I am right all the time!

    How often do you go against your gut?
    I don't know. Not often. My heart has always ruled me. Hence the bajillion dollars of debt and other issues.

    I don't believe in premonitions or sixth sense. I believe in patterns, coincidence, and intuition, but not ESP.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3
      I try to follow the advice that intuition isn't fear/anxiety-based. If I'm anxious or afraid of something, it's probably not my gut talking.


      • #4
        Never, ever do I go against my gut because the rare times that I do- bad things happen. (Like Marriage No. 1)

        I don't know if it's ESP or just the hyper-awareness that seems to be a girl thing. I think because our brains are wired differently we are able to process information differently and it therefore becomes a 'feeling' or a 'sense'.



        • #5
          I get kind of strange ones, I can walk into a room and know if someone is pregnant in it. I walked into my friends flat one day and just sensed something and said, oh my god are you pregnant and she was shocked, she denied it because she didn't want anyone to know but turned out she was 8 weeks at the time, thats happened to me 5 or 6 times. maybe its a female hormonal thing! rather that premonition.


          • #6
            I definitely trust my gut. Not the worrying/anxious gut, but the intuition one. The last two times I went against my intuition, I got in a car accident and then ended up in this slum apartment. Super... I think I've learned my lesson!!! My mom has a good intuition as well.


            • #7
              I used to get them a lot in my pre-teen years, but less now.

              I certainly get a gut feeling about things, and I take that into heavy consideration in decision-making, but I'm not ruled by it. It's on the list of pros or cons, but I look at the whole list. I'd say I end up going against it . . . maybe . . . 25% of the time?
              Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
              Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

              “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
              Lev Grossman, The Magician King


              • #8
                I dream about things and they happen afterwards. My Dad and his sisters have the same thing. I had a dream that I met a guy who looked like my husband and was a doctor. I told my friend about the dream and a month later I met him. She reminded me of the dream I'd had and it really freaked me out.

                I have strong instincts, I know when DH will be working late. He didn't have his schedule for this weekend unitl today and I knew before he called that he would be working.

                There was a family wedding last weekend in Ireland. We couldn't go but when the day came I had a really strong feeling that we should have been there. My Mom called the day after and said that my grandfather had collapsed during the ceremony, his blood pressure had dropped. My Mom said it was a pity we weren't there as my H could have checked him out when he wasn't feeling well. Thankfully, he's OK now.

                I always go with my gut instinct, my Dad and I are always sharing stories about our premonitions. Of course DH is dubious about all of this, he thinks it's just female intuition. I don't know but it can be quite scary.
                Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


                • #9
                  I have been pretty accurate at guessing baby's gender (except my own). I have had a couple experiences when knowing that relatives passed away before being told. Otherwise, not really.



                  • #10
                    Does it count that during a visit to Kansas City when I was 18 I drunkenly blurted out "I'm gonna live here one day!" ?

                    And now I do.


                    • #11

                      You have ESPN!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sp2809
                        I dream about things and they happen afterwards. My Dad and his sisters have the same thing. I had a dream that I met a guy who looked like my husband and was a doctor. I told my friend about the dream and a month later I met him. She reminded me of the dream I'd had and it really freaked me out.
                        This is what happened with the car accident I mentioned in my previous post. I dreamt about getting into an accident for at least a week straight before it happened.


                        • #13
                          This is what happened with the car accident I mentioned in my previous post. I dreamt about getting into an accident for at least a week straight before it happened.[/quote]

                          Wow, that's scary!! When I dream about it, it could happen weeks or months later. Thankfully, it's never been anything serious.
                          Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                          Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending

